The Dragon Tamers


dante ezi bi ba nes ji ja
yi ya miso dante ya
dante ezi eza
dante yo ya yesa
dante ezi bi ba nes ja ja

Rogan lay in Elric’s arms. Zoran, Akira, Karim and Alven around him. Tyris and Gabija behind them, watching them with sad eyes. It wouldn’t be long now.

“Hey there... you little ingrate...” Rogan choked out.
“Hey yourself old man!” Elric said with a sad smile. “Listen, don’t worry. You’re gonna be alright. We’ll get help...”
“No...” Rogan shook his head and groaned. “I think this is my time. I’m old and I’m tired.” He gestured the boys to move to the side. They did and saw the look of saddness on the shifters’ faces. Especially Tyris.
“Well?” He asked with a weak smile at her.
Tyris took a shaky breath. “It’s your time. Fate and Destiny are going to be here soon.” She choked out.

“No, no, no, no, no, NO!” Elric cried. The tears poured his cheeks. “You’re going to be alright!” He yelled. The others watched on helplessly as the old man smiled sadly at the boy he had raised.

“You’re a big boy, Elric. You don’t need me anymore. I want you to go find Ausra. I’ll find someway to watch it all happen.” He groaned again. “I’m proud of you, Elric...”

his eyes noticed something the others didn’t see. “Is that them?” He asked with wide eyes.
Tyris nodded with wet eyes. “That’s them. Good luck.”
“Thanks...” He whispered.

A strange melody filled the air around them. Though they couldn’t see Fate and Destiny, except for Rogan, they heard the song.

Come back to the place where all dreams are formed
where the light and darkness form into one combined
it is time for you to sleep forever
your time of peace and harmony has begun

Rogan smiled and slowly closed his eyes. His head dropped down and life left his body.
Elric held the dead body in his arms and brought it close. “Master.” He sobbed. Everyone was silent.

After a few moments. Tyris took another shaky breath. “It’s time for a birth.” she whispered. They looked at her as she walked towards Elric and Rogan’s dead body.

She placed her hand on Rogan’s head and another song was sung.

life ends at a point in time
another starts anew
it is time for another birth
and this birth has chosen you

A light glow surrounded Rogan’s figure and Elric could no longer touch his dead master.
“What are you doing?” He demanded.
Gabija grabbed his shoulder. “He’s being reborn.”

another road has started building its way
another chance has been given
you’ll someday find your purpose of life
and then nothing in your way will be forbidden
follow my voice into a world of possibilities
many adventures wait for you
good luck on your journey
I wish you all the best
live a good life and make good choices
because life is constantly a test

The glow slowly disappeared and instead of Rogan’s dead body, an infant with large, pale yellow eyes stared up at Tyris. Tyris craddled the new born in her arms.
Gabija slowly let go of Elric’s shoulder and he moved closer to the infant. Tyris looked up from the baby. “You want to hold him?”

Elric only nodded. Tyris carefully placed the infant in his arms. All Elric could do was stare at his former master and pray he didn’t drop him.

“You have to give him a name you know.” Gabija whispered.

“What are you going to call him?” Akira asked as he stared at the baby in the red haired’s arms.

“I think...Raphael will do.” He then turned to his friends. “Do you guys think... I can be alone with him for awhile?”

Akira nodded. “We’ll be by the tent if you need us.” And they all left him alone with Raphael.

Gabija turned to look back him before giving the boy his privacy.

winra miha ro ra you ji
winra hi ha mi ko ki
winra miha ri ra yu yi ji ja
winra miha ro ra yu yi
winra miha mi

Aura flew near Than and noticed a familiar tent. Deciding to check how things were, she flew down. She was surprised to see Gabija was there too.

“Hey everyone...” She trailed off as she noticed the depressed expressions. She transformed and walked closer to them. “What’s wrong?”

Akira answered for all of them. “Rogan’s just died.”
Aura’s breath was stuck in her throat. Her expression dimmed and saddened. “Oh. I’m sorry.”
Akira nodded. “It’s alright. You didn’t know.”

Tyris was struggling to remain calm. Zoran noticed this and walked towards Akira and Aura. “Tyris and I are going to go for a bit to calm down. Is that okay?” Akira nodded and Zoran took Tyris by the hand a led her away from the tent.

When they were alone in a clear, Tyris couldn’t control herself. She threw herself onto Zoran. “I don’t understand!” She sobbed. “It always hurt so much to give birth, but it was harder this time.”

Zoran hesitantly wrapped his arms around her frame. “Sh. That’s because you were closer to Rogan.” He whispered. “But hey. Calm down. We’ve got Raphael don’t we?”
Tyris looked up at him. “Yes, we do.”
Zoran smiled sadly and hugged her close. “So? Rogan’s still with us.”
Tyris tried to smile but failed. “Zoran?”
“Hold me like this. Just until I feel better.”
Zoran nodded. “Alright.”

And that’s what he did. He held her in his arms while she calmed herself down.

shia mi wawa me
shami ki ko sa so
shia ni mi hi miha
shia mi wawa me
shiami ki ko sa so
shara ri ra wawa miha
shia amora shai amor
shia amora shai amor
shia mi wawa me
shami ki ko shia amora

Mesi appeared in the lake near Than. She swam happily and her tail swayed back and forth.

Then she eye caught Lur as she flew rapidly in the sky. “Wonder what’s up with her.” Mesi wondered to herself.

Meanwhile Lur was still following Chi. This could be it. She could finally find out what the hell her tree nymph was up to.

Dante moora dante moora
hi ha hi si so sa
dante moora dante soora
hi ha hi so si sa ya
iya mi so sa se so inyan de mia moore
dante moore dante moora
hi ha hi si so sa
dante moora dante moora
hi ha hi so si sa ya

Gabija stood behind Elric as he held Raphael.

“What’s up?” Gabija was caught by surprise. She didn’t expect him to know she was watching him.
“It’s just...I wanted to say, I’m sorry, about your master.” She said.
“Whatever.” He couldn’t really care less.
Gabija grew angry. “Hey! No need to...” She took a deep breath and walked over to him. “Can I hold Raphael?”
Elric looked at her for a moment, then passed Raphael into her arms.

The infant looked up to the new person. Gabija smiled at the face the baby made. It was so cute.
“Hey there.” She whispered. “You’re a handsome baby. Aren’t you, Raphael?” Raphael giggled, signaling he liked her. Elric watched, amazed at how natural her reaction was. She just knew what to do with the infant.

She laughed quietly and kissed the infant.

“Hey! What did you did do?”
Gabija looked up to see Elric’s confused face. “I kissed him.”
“Kissed him?”
Gabija’s eyes widened. “You men, don’t know about kissing?”
Elric shook his head. “What is it?”
Gabija looked thoughtful and she craddled Raphael into a sleeping angel. “I’m not sure how to explain it exactly. You usually kiss someone very close to you as a sign of affection. It’d be better if I” She felt her face becoming very hot.
“Alright then, show me!”

Gabija took a deep breath and moved closer to Elric. She looked into his eyes and they both felt their hearts beat faster and faster. Her eyes closed and then her lips touched his.

Elric stood in shock. This felt so... right. His eyes too closed and he pressed his lips against hers. He could feel her surprise, but they never moved.

Until, Raphael started crying.

They broke apart and caught their breath. Staring at each other.

“Hey what’s going on?” Karim asked as he walked towards them.

The most confusing site greeted him. Both Elric and Gabija were staring at each other while Raphael was in Gabija’s arms, crying.

“Um...Do I...want to know?”

Gabija broke the eye contact and calmed Raphael down.
Elric reluctantly looked at Karim. “What?”
Karim back a step. “Akira wants to start moving.”

Gabija sighed and gave Raphael back to Elric. “I should get going.”
“You mean you’re leaving?!” To Elric’s surprise, it hurt him more than it should. It shouldn’t have bothered him at all.

“I’ve got a job to do. Tell Tyris I’ll talk to her soon. See ya.” With that she transformed and took off.

winra miha ro ra you ji
winra hi ha mi ko ki
winra miha ri ra yu yi ji ja
winra miha ro ra yu yi
winra miha mi

Aura stared as Akira and Alven packed things up. It was amazing how men could block their emotions. Akira seemed to be a master at it. Calmly going about life.

She sighed sadly. Another reason. Even if, if being the key word, he did feel something towards her, he’d probably block it out.

“Um...Akira?” Aura asked.
“Yeah?” He replied, turning towards her.
“I’ve got to get going so tell Tyris I said good-bye, please.”
Akira nodded. “Sure. Bye.”
Aura nodded back at him and transformed. “Bye.”

iza mi iza ma iza ji iza ja
mi ma to ta mi ma
iza mi ma iza ji ja
mi ma ji ja yi ya

Destiny sighed sadly, watching everything from high above. She shook her head. She couldn’t... not after everything she and Fate had worked for. Maybe the Vulcan would back out. Maybe... oh who was she trying to kid? It was going to happen.

She felt drained. This is the world Fate and her had wanted men to live in. As punishment for what happened all those years ago.

She couldn’t think of that now. She just had to hope that maybe, it wouldn’t have to happen.

iza mi iza ma iza ji iza ja
mi ma to ta mi ma
iza mi ma iza ji ja
mi ma ji ja yi ya

Lur stepped back from her hiding place, eyes wide and face pale from shock. Chi, had betrayed her? Had betrayed Tyris and Destiny and Fate? Just so she could get a little more attention?

“How could you?” Lur whispered to herself. She couldn’t take it anymore. She flew away and fast.

She flew so fast she passed Gabija and didn’ t even realise it.

Gabija watched her with confused. “I wonder if she’s okay. Of course she is. She’ll be fine...” She cast a worried look in the direction Lur gone. “I hope.”

And with that, she continued her journey home.

ji zi ja ji jo ji jos
jojo jus yi mi
ji zi za zo ji ja ji ka
joja jus ji jus ji
flara fia ria miho
flara fia rio miha

Wragone stood near the top of Gabija’s volcano home. Before him and his troops were a pitiful troop of the remaining men of Stron. Finally he could defeat them and complete his first mission before turning his attention on the seekers.

Chi, in dragon form, stood nervously at his side. Magone stood in front, awaiting orders.

Than, king of what used to be the strongest kingdom, stood his ground. He wouldn’t give up. He had to be strong.

Wragone raised his hand. Chi roared. Magone raise his sword. “VULCAN ATTACK!”