The Dragon Tamers

Welcoming Than

iza mi iza ma iza ji iza ja
mi ma to ta mi ma
iza mi ma iza ji ja
mi ma ji ja yi ya

Fate walked the battlefield, head low. She had let the Vulcan win against Stron. Destiny walked a distance from her. Both carrying the heavy duty of granting death and new life to the soldiers. Then sending them randomly to different cities.

“Fate! Come over here.” Destiny called softly. Fate turned and walked towards her.

“We can’t let him die.” Destiny pleaded. Fate turned to see what she meant, then she sighed. Before them lay the dying Than. “Please, Fate!”

Fate sighed, she guessed Destiny’s feelings hadn’t changed. “Fine.” She transformed and lifted him onto her back. “I’ll take him to the kingdom of Than.” And she took off.

Destiny watched her beloved friend fly off, before her eyes widened and turned around quickly. Before her stood Gragone, his yellow eyes gleamed. “Hello, Destiny. It’s been years!”

Destiny took a step back. “Forever just wouldn’t be long enough.”

“Aww. Is that anyway to treat a dear friend?” Gragone asked as anger and frustration crept into his voice. “I thought you never broke a promise.”

“I usually don’t.”

“Then why? Why did you let Fate make that stupid law? Why did you agree to go against us? Why did you choose that...that warrior over me?!” His voie grew louder.

“It was the only way we could survive. I thought it was a good idea at the time. As for Fieryo... I don’t know. I did love you but... something was different when I was with him. Gragone, I really wish we didn’t cause the land you live in today. But it can’t be stopped. It’s Ausra’s choice now.”
And with she took off. Gragone’s dull yellow eyes following.

yi yi yo to ri ra ri so
ayi ya to mika tra
ori pisa yiyo miha
aker me a mora me
yiyi me mo ni no ni na
trilts miam si so mi
yiyi yo to ri ri ria so
ayi ya to mika tra

Lur ran. She didn’t really care where. She just ran. She tripped and fell and crashed to the ground.
“Are you okay?” Asked the tree whose roots she had tripped over.
“I’m...its nothing. I’ve got to go.” With that she transformed.

She didn’t care whether Alven loved her or not. She just really wanted him with her.

shia mi wawa me
shami ki ko sa so
shia ni mi hi miha
shia mi wawa me
shiami ki ko sa so
shara ri ra wawa miha
shia amora shai amor
shia amora shai amor
shia mi wawa me
shami ki ko shia amora

Mesi’s eyes darted from the ship she had recently teased and the Vulcan before her.
“Hello there.” He greeted with mock kindness. “How are you this fine day?”
Mesi knew not to trust a Vulcan. She quickly dived into the water and didn’t resurface.

Fragone’s eyes narrowed. Stupid Shifters. They had caused all this.

If it weren’t for those two, Fate and Destiny, nothing would have changed. They could all have had normal lives. The life cycle would still continue and there would be no rainbow to worry about.

But it happened. Wragone had formed the Vulcan to try and reverse the mistake Fate and Destiny had made. But Fragone knew Wragone was only interested in the power. And Magone? Only interested in the glory of victory.

Fragone sighed as his mind traveled to years before. How happy life had seemed then.

Now... nothing would ever be simple like that.

yi yi yo to ri ra ri so
ayi ya to mika tra
ori pisa yiyo miha
aker me a mora me
yiyi me mo ni no ni na
trilts miam si so mi
yiyi yo to ri ri ria so
ayi ya to mika tra

The Seekers had finally reached the gates of Than. Tyris flew in the sky for safety reasons.

“Halt! Who goes there?” Demanded a guard.
“Um... We’re travellers from Tyme.” Akira answered.
The two guards looked at each other and then opened the gates.

Than was definitely a beautiful place. Gold and silver streamed the pathway. Ornaments hung all around.
“Woah!” Karim gazed all around. “Look at all this.”

Zoran looked around and noticed a small clothing shop. Seeing it gave him an idea.

dante ezi bi ba nes ji ja
yi ya miso dante ya
dante ezi eza
dante yo ya yesa
dante ezi bi ba nes ja ja

“Um... so I wear it like this?” asked Tyris. Zoran had bought her a long dull brown cloak so that she could travel with them, and not be discovered.
“Yup. You look...great!” Karim encouraged.
“I’m glad you think so.” Tyris replied. Gazing up and the sky. “So, what do we do now?”

“Well, we could look around more.” suggested Alven. “Take in any interesting information. It’ll be helpful someday.”

“Fair enough, but... how long are we going to stay here?” Elric asked, awkwardly trying to hold the sleeping Raphael.

Tyris giggled at the sight. “Let me.” Elric gladly gave the infant to Tyris. “I say we spent the night. We’ll talk about it after you all have gotten your shut eye.”

Zoran smiled at her. “As you wish.”

And the boys walked into the inn they had aquirred for the night.

Tyris watched them go in and then turned her attention to Raphael. “Hey there, hun.” she whispered. “You’re going to be stuck with me for a while. Is that okay?” The infant cuddled closer to her in his sleep. “Guess it is.”

She looked up at the sky and noticed it seemed prettty clear. “Guess tonight’s going to be pretty calm. Thank goodness.”

ji zi ja ji jo ji jos
jojo jus yi mi
ji zi za zo ji ja ji ka
joja jus ji jus ji
flara fia ria miho
flara fia rio miha

“Woah! Now this is a battlefield.” Muttered Gabija as she gazed down on all the remains of the battle. “Glad I wasn’t here to see it.”

She flew up to her waiting lava bath. “Oh well. Let’s get everything cleaned up.”

With that, she dived in. The hot lava poured out and down. Covering the bloody field.

yi yi yo to ri ra ri so
ayi ya to mika tra
ori pisa yiyo miha
aker me a mora me
yiyi me mo ni no ni na
trilts miam si so mi
yiyi yo to ri ri ria so
ayi ya to mika tra

Alven looked out the window gazing up at the sky. For some reason, he couldn’t fall asleep and Lur just wouldn’t leave his mind.

Climbing out of bed, he tiptoed out the room his friends slept in and walked outside.

Looking around, he noticed Tyris holding Raphael and hugging something else. He decided to go see what it was.

“I can’t believe she actually betrayed us.” sobbed Lur, hugging Tyris’ frame. “I don’t understand!”
“Neither do I, Lur. I’m so sorry you have to deal with this.” Comforted Tyris, hurt herself by Chi’s actions.

“What’s wrong...Lur?” The two shifters looked at Alven’s worried face. Lur left Tyris’ embrace for his. Alven was taken aback, but comforted her nonetheless. “Hey, it’s okay.” he tried, awkwardly.

“No it isn’t.” Lur cried. “Chi betrayed me! What the hell did I do to deserve that?”
“Hey listen.” Alven whispered, making Lur look at him, “You don’t deserve it, okay. You did nothing wrong. It was her decision, okay!”
Alven couldn’t understand how Lur could do anything wrong. She was so... in control of her nymphs. Why did she blame herself? How could she?

Tyris watched them and turned away to give them some privacy. She walked away and noticed Fate, flying towards her.

“What’s wrong?” She asked as Fate landed.
“Take this man, get him help.” Fate lifted the former king off her back and flew away.

“Um... help?” Tyris said as she looked between the king and Raphael in her arms. “Okay... how am I going to do this?”

Lur finally calmed down. “Thanks Alven.” She said. “I’m sorry if I deprived you of your sleep.”
Alven shook his head and smiled. “It’s okay. I couldn’t sleep anyway. For some reason, you kept popping up in my head.”
Lur’s eyes widened. “I did?”
“Yeah. I couldn’t stop thinking about you. Weird huh?”
Lur laughed weakly. “Yeah, really...”

But what he said gave her hope. Maybe he did feel the same! Maybe...

“Um... guys?” They turned to see Tyris standing a distance from them looking very uncomfortable. “Um... could I have some help, please?”

Lur couldn’t help laugh. “Sure, you look like you need it.”
Tyris nodded. “Oh yeah.”

Alven couldn’t help but laugh too. It really was funny to see Tyris standing with Raphael in one arm and an old man drooping on her other side.

Dante moora dante moora
hi ha hi si so sa
dante moora dante soora
hi ha hi so si sa ya
iya mi so sa se so inyan de mia moore
dante moore dante moora
hi ha hi si so sa
dante moora dante moora
hi ha hi so si sa ya

“Um... you’re not making any sense, what so ever!” Seren said to Fate as they stood on a newly formed cloud.
“It’s not that difficult! Just...find Mesi and tell her that!”
“But why me?” The sun Shifter exclaimed. “Why can’t you do it?”
“You’re doing it, and that’s final!” Fate said and took off.

Seren watched her go with a raised eyebrow. “Everyone seems so uptight these days.”

Still, she transformed into a golden dragon and flew down to the lake near Than.

ji zi ja ji jo ji jos
jojo jus yi mi
ji zi za zo ji ja ji ka
joja jus ji jus ji
flara fia ria miho
flara fia rio miha

“You’ve done well, Dragon Shifter.” said Magone as he circled Chi, whose head was bowed.
“Thank you.” She replied.
“Tell me, I’m curious,” asked Magone. “How do you kill a Dragon Shifter?”
“Um...Pardon?” Chi asked startled, jumping up.
“Relax my dear. I don’t mean to kill you. I’m just curious.”
“Well, we’re only killed if we’re pierced with a solid sword through the heart.”
“Really now.” said Magone, looking really thoughtful. “I wonder.”

Chi watched the man warily. But she wouldn’t dare defy him. She loved him. Even if it was one sided. She would do anything for him. That he knew and used against her.

Dante moora dante moora
hi ha hi si so sa
dante moora dante soora
hi ha hi so si sa ya
iya mi so sa se so inyan de mia moore
dante moore dante moora
hi ha hi si so sa
dante moora dante moora
hi ha hi so si sa ya

“ are we...going to do?” asked Karim as the group stared at a very bandaged Than.
“Um...look after him ‘till he gets better?” asked Lur, looking at each of the boys for a second opinion.
“Sounds good.” replied Alven, not taking his eyes off of Than.

Akira sighed. “C’mon guys. Let’s get to work.”