When it goes wrong

For you

Mikey POV

I hevent seen Gerard like this since.....well since forever. He looks so broken. I wonder what the call was about? All he said was shes dead. Whos dead? I'll ask him in the morning. I carry him to his room...or rather drag. He is heavy. I drag him to the room we share.

Now to get rid of the alchol. "Guys!" I yell. They ignore me and I'm not suprised. Even to me that voice sounds small and afraid. "I need you to leave now" I demand in a stronger voice.
They look up.

"Hey Mikes, the 'rents home?" slurs Frank.

"They will return soon" I lie. "Leave or they will call your parents."

Ray holds my gaze and for a moment I think I can see my lie. He pauses. I hold my breath and try to keep my composure. "I think we should go. Thanks for covering for us. We owe you one" he says.

"Thanks" I say.

They leave and I clean up the mess left beind. I reach to pick up the bottle shards and hiss as I feel a sharp sting. I bite my lip as I inspect the cut. It looks quite deep. I try to reach for the medical kit in the kitchen. The box falls and hits my head. I stare in defeat as the contents spill on the floor. A wave of dizziness hits me and I wait untill it passes. I pick up the bandage and start to wrap it.

"Hey" a soft voice says and i jump.

"Its only me Mikes. We made a big mess and I didn't want you to be cleaning it all. Where is Gerard? Is he making you clean the whole mess?" Ray says annoyed.

"He's asleep. Don't wake him. Besides I can do it." I say bravely.

"But he shouldn't make you. Its not right."

"I want to. He doesn't make me" I wince. My head hurts really badly.

"Are you okay?"

"Can you wrap this for me?" i ask.

"Yeah hold still Mikes." he says and it starts to feel better.

I pick up all the spilt bandgages, bandaids, botttles of antiseptic and boxes of varouis pills. I stand on a chair and put it back. When I check on the bottle I see its already cleaned up. "Thanks Ray" I say grateful.

I hope Gerard is ok.