Sequel: An Old Beginning
Status: Complete

Guilty Pleasures

Chapter 40

“What do you mean she’s not here?” Gerard asked, his voice taking on a panicked quality. “Where is she?”

“She doesn’t want you to know.”

“What?” he asked in disbelief.

“You’ve made your feelings about my daughter perfectly clear. She wants to start fresh and she’s gone to do that.”

“She left town?” he asked in shock.

“Yes,” Donna said quietly.

“But I…”

“I’ll tell her you stopped by,” Donna said, her tone softening slightly. “But don’t expect much.”

Gerard felt short of breath as he slowly walked back to his car. He’d lost her.

* * * * *

Naomi sat on the beach, staring out at the waves of the ocean. She’d been on her way out of town. Her new car, a graduation gift from her father for missing the ceremony, was all packed and ready to go, but Naomi had stopped, needing to get her bearings on what she was doing. She needed to say goodbye to a place that had been her home for so long.

Naomi slowly reached around her neck to unclasp the chain. Letting the diamond eternity band fall into her hand, she stared at it for a long moment. The last rays of the sunlight caught the diamonds, making it sparkle as the sun continued to set.

‘This ring represents the endless devotion of one person to another,’ she thought sadly. ‘How can endless devotion just…end?’

For a brief moment, Naomi considered throwing this symbol into the ocean. Wanting the waves to swallow the evidence of their time together…except it
wouldn’t work. The evidence was in her belly. Gerard left her with something more tangible, even though he may not want it. She wanted it.
She needed this baby and that was all that mattered. A simple ring wasn’t going to erase the past, whether she disposed of it or not. Slipping the ring back onto the chain, she clasped it around her neck again. Not wanting to think about why she was keeping it close to her heart.

With a sigh, Naomi watched as the final rays of the sun dipped below the horizon, putting an end to one day, only to begin another. Naomi took a deep breath, knowing that the same was true for her. The end of this life was ending, but what she had to look forward to was a new beginning. Onethat she would do everything in her power to make right.

Her life was about to begin.

That's it. Thats the end.. Ahh. Im kidding. Of course there's a sequel... I just don't have a title.. So till I get a title. There is no sequel.
Ideas are greatly welcomed!