Status: Creeping Along(:

Rainey's Lake

I Find my Cure

After our ice cream incident we walked home. "That was the most fun I've had in ages, bro. Thank you." I said as I plopped down on my bed "Its no problem. Your welcome Dear.I love you Bunnies." He told me as he laid down next to me.I grinned childishly at my adolescence nick name. I crawled onto his chest and my eyes slowly closed and I fell asleep. Vegas placed me next to him gently tucking me in and turning on my scooby doo nightlight.

Vegas POV

As she fell asleep I tucked her in and turned out the light turning on the nightlight. I stepped into the living room and drummed my fingers on my knees because I haven't yet learned how to work this TV. I must have dozed off because at exactly 12:00am my sister woke screaming. I woke with a jolt and ran into her room immediately. I held her close and she relaxed into me."Its been like this for weeks now, Veg. I'm so sorry." she whispered. "Like what?" "The screaming at the exact time. Its the time they died. Exact time. I wake like this every night. It doesn't matter how horrid or pleasant my dream was I wake like this." "Oh, Dear. I'm so sorry. Want me to lay with you?" I lay next to her as she nodded and she curled up on my chest. As I close my eyes her breathing becomes even and she's snoring lightly. I wrapped my arms around her and fell into dreamland.I have to stay with my sister. I dreamed about my family, the way it was before.

Kacee's POV

I surprisingly didn't wake up again or anything for the rest of the night. It was peaceful. I woke up to find my brother in the shower. I chuckled to myself knowing that he will soon call for a towel. "In three, two, one.." as soon as one slipped my lips I heard "Sissy! Can you get me a towel?" I giggled and got him one. As he was changing I myself got dressed. It may be fall here yet I was Dressed for Arizona. Shorts, a red V-Neck, and Vans. Veg shortly came out of the bathroom fully clothed. He unlike myself was in skinny jeans, Vans and a V-Neck. We walked to the airport him giving a piggy-back-ride to one of gracious need. That's a long walk, I think I would Faint! We got our tickets and he was forced to put me down. We boarded the plane and it wasn't a very long trip there. I ended up taking a short nap my head on Veg's shoulder. He woke me up as soon as we landed. We didn't have any luggage so Veg used the pay-phone outside. I assumed he called one of His mates to come get us because a car drove up and Veg got in. I hesitantly got in and the boy driving introduced himself as Alexander. I blushed and smiled shyly saying that my name was Kacee Greek. He smiled back and drove us to Veg's apartment. I got out and we went in. Alexander left and I was assigned clothes duty. As I finished up the last box I gazed out of the window and noticed a bright orange and white truck. Guessing it was ours I put the boxes in. I helped Veg with the rest of his things and Alexander helped me with the heavier things. I blushed the entire time he was helping me. If I had dropped something he'd pick it up like a real gentleman. Alexander and Vegas loaded the truck up with furniture. I decided that I'd ride with Alexander as he drove the Uhaul to my parents home so there was more room. Vegas left and kissed my head goodbye. Alexander helped me into the big truck and I smiled down at him. We listened to Secondhand Serenade, Asking Alexandria and, Eyes Set To Kill the way there. I became tired and instinctively curled up next to a warmth source. That source being Alexander. At 12:00am that morning we were stopped at Wal-Mart in the parking lot. I didn't move a bit and didn't wake up screaming or even breathing heavy. I woke up the next day on the couch and Alexander on the floor Veg in my bed. I've found my cure. The cure is my brothers best friend.