Status: Completed.

The Wonder of You

There Will Be Blood

Paula walked to her locker and shoved her baseball bat in, grabbing her books and headed to class. All eyes were on her when she walked into class; her class faced the parking lot so everyone got to see the show she had just put on.

The teacher was afraid to ask her if she had done her homework, he didn’t expect her to have done it especially after all she had been through so he was shocked when he saw her turn in the research paper.

Emmett stood in front of his car flabbergasted at the amount of damage that Paula and her bat had inflicted upon it.

He wasn’t mad that she had ruined his car; he knew that he deserved it but he was mad that she hadn’t given him the time of day for a simple discussion.

The school day went by uneventfully. People weren’t talking about the wedding like Paula had thought, but she figured that maybe her Greasers had told them to keep their mouth shuts or else.

During lunch Paula saw that the Cullen’s were attempting to sit somewhere near her spot so she decided to pay the prep boys a visit and had lunch with them making sure to flirt her little heart on.

Emmett was enraged when he saw her sitting and flirting with the preps. The animal inside of him wanted to jump out and drain the preps out of their blood and do some pretty savage things to her.

Edward was kind enough to talk to him and Jasper sent waves of calm towards him.

As soon as the dismissal bell rang Paula was in her car and on her way home. When she arrived at her house she was shocked to see two police cars sitting in her driveway.

She swore at herself, the Cullen’s had probably called the cops because Paula had ruined Emmett’s car.

She whispered fucking pussy under her breath, and ran a comb through her hair. When she deemed herself ready to see the authorities she stepped out of her car and into the house.

The scene inside the house was chaotic there were three officers inside and two detectives. Her mother was sobbing loudly, and her father had steady streams of tears running down her face.

She knew this wasn’t about the car. She looked in the room and saw her younger brothers there, that’s when she noticed her grandfather was missing.


Her mother nodded and started crying harder. Hot tears streamed down Paula’s face and she forcefully asked the officers, “What happened?!”

“Calm down Paula.”

“What happened to my grandpa? Where is he!?”

“There was an incident and your grandfather, he didn’t make it.”

“What was the incident?”


Paula punched the wall, leaving a large hole. She looked at them and said, “What went down? Are they in custody? Who was it?”

“He was at the park, sitting on a bench and they attacked him from behind. With baseball bats and knives. It was Johnny and his grandfather. I guess the old man was bitter. They ain’t in custody, we might be the police but this war is your war and we aren’t gonna get in the way of you handling.”

“Thank you.”

“We need someone to go identify the body and your parents aren’t in good shape. You mind?”


Paula walked over to her mother and father she hugged them both and kissed them on the forehead and said, “Don’t expect me home tonight.”

“Paula, NO!”

“Calm down. I’ll be alright. Just stay inside, load up the gun dad and take care of ma and the kids. I’m gonna make this right.”

She walked out and jumped onto her motorcycle following the officers. They drove down to the local hospital.

Paula took off her helmet and put it on the back seat. She wiped the tears from her eyes and grabbed her rosary from her container and walked in.

She was led into the morgue portion of the hospital and was in the room with two officers, Dr. Cullen, and a white blanket.

The officers nodded and Dr. Cullen lifted the sheet revealing the face. Paula gasped and lunged herself at her Grandpa she clung to his neck crying gently.

His face was back and blue, cut wounds were visible; they had tortured him. She kissed his cheek and put the rosary around his neck.

She touched his cheek and whispered, “I’m gonna make those fucks pay for what they did to you.”

Paula told the officers that it was him, and they left the room telling her to take her time.

Carlisle stood in the room, he knew his family would soon be arriving, he had called them to tell them what had happened and that Paula would be stopping inside to identify the body.

Carlisle tried to talk to Paula, but she ignored him. As she walked out the door she saw the Cullen clan (except Rosalie) marching towards her.

They stood in front of her and offered their condolences but Paula glared at them and said, “I don’t need your fucking pity.”

She walked past them and jumped on her motorcycle speeding off towards Frankie’s place. Frankie paced around his room, he couldn’t comprehend that Paula’s grandfather was dead!

Her grandfather was like his own grandpa he had been there teaching them how to fight and the code and now he was gone. Frankie was taken out of his thoughts when Paula climbed in through the window.

“I’m so sorry Paula.”

“Thanks Frankie. I have a favor to ask you.”

“What is it?”

“I’m gonna get even.”

Frank’s eyes widened at those words. She was going to go and kill Johnny’s grandfather. Of course the Greasers knew that sometimes during a rumble a person might die, but none of them had ever killed someone. The thought terrified him, but he knew that it was only right that they got even.

“How can I help?”

Under the blanket of nightfall Frank and Paula made their way to the Scorpions part of town. They watched Johnny’s house like hawks and when Johnny’s grandfather went out for a jog they followed him.

They waited until he was a mile away from his house for the attack. Paula jumped from the shadows and knocked the old man down.

She grabbed the baseball bat that Frank had been carrying and began whaling on him. With her strength and anger she pummeled the old man.

Frank took his knife out when Paula finally stepped away from the dying man and slit his throat first whispering, “This is for Charlie.”

Paula and Frank sat in the diner drinking their malt shakes. They felt like monsters, for having killed the old man but it had to be done; it had too.

That man had killed her grandfather and if she hadn’t killed him, then it would be like she didn’t love her grandfather.

They left the diner and went to notify the entire gang of Greaser’s of a meeting that would be taking place in Paula’s backyard.

Paula sat on the bench waiting for all thirty of the Greasers to be there before she began to talk. She stood up from the bench and said, “I don’t know if you guys heard, but Johnny two face and his grandfather killed my grandpa today.”

“What are we gonna do? His grandpa can’t live!”

“He’s not. Frank and I went and handled this earlier.”

A silence filled the gang. Their gang had killed someone; this war was no longer just a bunch of chance meetings and beatings this was now on a higher level.

Their lives and the lives of their loved ones were at stake, and they could no longer afford to be lax or lenient in the treatment towards the Scorpions. They had to win this war before anymore casualties broke out.

Paula coughed and said, “This ain’t game no more. This ain’t just us rumbling, now the townspeople are gonna be involved. The scorpions they don’t play fair. They won’t just come after us, they’ll come after anyone who’s on our turf and we have to be ready to fight at a moments notice. Everyone on our side has guns, I want you to go to those homes and help them load their guns and to tell them that in case anything happens to call us and if we can’t get their in time to shoot. Some of us might not make it to see the end of the war, but I swear that whoever dies your death won’t be in vain, because the losses those assholes are gonna be have are gonna be monumental. Now get some sleep, tonight we have peace.”

Emmett sat on the bed staring out the window, remembering the night that Paula had climbed through it bloody and filthy just to make sure that he was alright.

Although she was a complete mess, she was still the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. How he longed to be able to go over to her house and comfort her in the wake of her grandfathers death.

He wanted to be there for her, as he knew that she would be there for him. He was taken out of his lips when he felt Rosalie’s lips press against his skin, he sighed so she couldn’t hear and turned around to sleep with her for the second time that day.

The Cullen’s heard the news when they arrived at school; the war was getting into its bloodiest chapter yet.

After Paula had found out that they had killed their grandfather she had gone into a rage and murdered Johnny’s grandfather.

Emmett was shocked at this behavior and so was Edward, the only one that understood her actions was Jasper.

The entire school was on its toes, they knew that they were all potential targets for the scorpions now and they all wanted to make sure that they stayed alive.

Paula sat on the hood of her car, taking a long hit from her blunt. She was trying to calm her nerves down she knew that the Scorpions were planning something to get back.

Paula was taken out of her thoughts, when a Scorpion car screeched into the parking lot, opened its door and tossed out a naked girl and drove off.

Paula threw the blunt on the floor and ran over to the girl, she recognized the girl she was Ashley the head cheerleader.

Paula quickly took off her jacket and skirt leaving her in a grey tank and boxer shorts. Paula slipped the skirt on Ashley’s bruised and bloodied body. She wrapped Ashley in her jacket and softly touched her cheek.

“What happened Ashley?”

“I was walking to school at six, I had to be here early and they came out of nowhere. Put me in that car and,” Ashley broke into tears and clung onto Paula’s neck. Ashley controlled her sobs and said, “they raped me. I didn’t want them to touch me so I fought, but they cut me. They said to give you this note.”

The fire in Paula’s eyes grew; she stood up holding Ashley bridal style and barked for the guys to open the car door.

She placed Ashley and drove her to the hospital swearing that she would get revenge. Paula read the note it said “rumble at 10. The park. Three on three.”

Paula drove back to the school and grabbed Frank and Tony; the two most skilled fighters. They made it to the park and saw three of Johnny’s goons.

Paula snarled at them, how dare they rape someone! There were fucking codes for a reason! After the last war they had decided that rape was something unforgivable and she was not going to stand for it, not at all.

“Who raped HER!?”

One of Johnny’s goons smiled and said, “That tight little pussy was torn up by yours truly.”

Paula breathed harder and when the clock struck ten she saw as that bastard stepped towards her with a perverse smile on his face. She put her bat up and focused on his head.


Blood flew and smeared itself on Paula’s face and shirt. The smile disappeared from his face and his dead body fell to the floor, his neck had been broken by the bat. The two goons froze to their spot, Frank and Tony wrestled them down.

Paula walked over to them and said, “I’m gonna let you go! But you fucking tell Johnny that RAPE is out of the question, because anyone who is caught raping someone will be murdered without questioning. Got that!?”

They nodded with fear in their eyes and ran off. Frank and Tony stared wide eyed at Paula; they had never seen someone die via broken neck by baseball bat.

Paula sat on a tree stump and said, “You don’t rape people, you just don’t do it.”

“we know, that was sick though. You’re fucking talented.”

“Let’s get back to school.”

“Don’t you want to clean up?”


The school was silent when Paula, Frank, and Tony pulled into the parking lot. Frank and Tony came out first, and then out walked Paula in a blood stained tank and boxer shorts.

She held her head high and stood next to her car. Ashley’s twin brother walked over to the car, his eyes red from crying. Paula felt bad for him and hugged him.

After a bit he pulled away and said, “Where is she? Is she okay?”

“Yeah. She’s at the hospital they were taking care of her.”

“Did you guys? Take care of them?”

“He won’t be bothering her no more.”

“He’s dead?”

Paula nodded and Ashley’s brother walked away. Afterwards she gave the kid a lift to the hospital so he could see his sister.

Paula sat in her room that night wondering how many more people she was going to kill before the end of this war, and if God would ever forgive her.

She longed to be in Emmett’s strong arms, and to feel safe, but knew that, that would not happen he was with his fiancée and would never look at her again. She cried a little, but then slapped herself she had to be strong, until this war ended.