Status: Completed.

The Wonder of You

A Surprise

“She’s pregnant?!”

“Well we haven’t done the test yet, but she threw up when she saw pizza and she never does that. She doesn’t even throw up when she’s hung over so she must be pregnant!”

“Where is she?”

“She’s sleeping; she said she was really tired.”

Carlisle wasn’t thrilled about the idea of Paula being pregnant, he knew that she would die and Emmett would have to do an emergency transformation and that made him uneasy.

He hated seeing Edward moping around in a terrible state, and was afraid of Emmett doing so as well.

Carlisle couldn’t bear the thought of Emmett being in pain, he was always the one he could count on to have a large smile on his face even when times got hard.

“Did you tell her what would happen?”

“I told her, and told her, and I tried to scare her but she wants this baby. She’s wanted this baby with me for a long time.”

“Alright then, as long as she knows what’s going to happen its okay. Now when she wakes up tell me so I can give her a checkup.”

Emmett walked out of Carlisle’s office and was shocked when he saw Jasper and Alice waiting in the doorway, “Is it true?”


“Are we going to be an auntie and an uncle?”

“Oh yeah! Yeah, she’s pregnant!”

“A little Emmett running around here. I’m scared.”

“Jasper be nice! We’re so happy Emmett! Can we see her?”

“She’s sleeping right now. She’s tired.”

“Tell us when she wakes up.”

“This deer tastes like shit!”

Emmett laughed and said, “Well what do you want to drink then?”

“Mmm, bear.”

The Cullen’s began laughing really hard, and Carlisle put a hand on his shoulder and said, “Your baby’s already just like you, now go get some bear.”

Emmett kissed Paula’s cheek gently and ran into the forest to get Paula some bear blood. He found a black bear and took it down quickly draining it of its blood. He put it in a cup and Paula chugged it feeling refreshed afterwards.

It had only been two days since they had found out she was pregnant, but she was already beginning to shrivel she was in worse shape than Bella had been and it worried everyone, but Paula told them that if they were going to be bitching at her about her kids that they could leave the room; of course no one left the room.

“Emmett I think it’s time we examine her.”


Emmett was about to pick Paula up from the bed, but she pushed him aside. She grabbed her cane and slowly started walking over to Carlisle’s office. Once inside she lay down on the bed and lifted her shirt, so Carlisle could put the goo on her belly.

Paula relaxed there with her eyes closed, well she relaxed as much as she could because the child that is growing inside of her was breaking bones left and right and causing a lot of damage to its mother. She was taken out of her thoughts when she heard Carlisle gasp.

She opened her eyes and said, “What’s wrong Carlisle?”

“You have two.”

“I have two? Two babies! By golly this is great news! Why do you have that look on your face! EMMETT!”

Emmett ran into the room when Paula screamed at him, and he was confused. Paula was lying there on her back with a huge grin on her face, and Carlisle looked as if someone had ripped and set fire to his limbs.

“What happened?”

“She’s not having a baby.”

“She lost the baby?! Sweetie are you okay?”

“No you dumb fuck! We are having babies, not a baby.”


“We are having two babies!”

Emmett’s eyes grew wide when she said two babies. There is no way in hell that she’s supposed to be having two babies, she’s just supposed to be having one! One is safe, well one baby isn’t safe but it’s a hell of a lot safer than having two kids.

“You can’t have them.”

“Excuse me?”

“Paula two kids, fucking one’s dangerous! Bella died, two, well with two what if I can’t change you in time!”

“You will. Don’t worry about this. Why do you have to put a damper on my mood?”

“I’m just trying to tell you that this is dangerous.”

“You think I don’t know this is dangerous. From the moment I first met you I knew you were dangerous, and I knew that there is a good chance I’ll die because I’m with you, but I ain’t running. This kids will be born, and you better not be going around this house moping around!”

Emmett was about to open his mouth and protest, but Paula pulled out that weird look that she does when she gets really mad and is going to kill someone. Emmett nodded his head and said, “Ok.”

“Now Carlisle? Tell me the sex of these kids!”

“You’re having two boys.”

“Emmett we need names!”

“Yeah we do. Carlisle how long till she delivers?”

“End of the week.”

One day passed and Paula, Frank, and Alice were discussing their funeral arrangements. It sounds weird to say that, since they’re alive but they wanted to get the perfect funeral together since they were both going to be turned at the end of the week.

They already worked their story out. Frank had gone alone to the airport to pick up Emmett and Paula from the airport, and then somewhere along the lines they got into a bad car accident.

The “bodies” would be taken to Carlisle’s hospital and the Cullen’s would plan the funeral arrangements, no one else would see the bodies.

The actual funeral would take place on the second day of the turning process, and to ensure that the kids wouldn’t scream out in pain during their funeral Carlisle was going to pump them full of morphine to kill the pain. So right now, Paula and Frank were going through the basic list and saying what they wanted done.

Alice took this funeral as an opportunity to plan a party; she had never planned a funeral before so she was very excited at the opportunity.

Finally they decided that a string quartet would play during the mass and then they would be buried and have a tombstone placed on the spot and once everyone was gone the Cullen’s would dig them up and take them back home.

As soon as the pair was able to control their thirst better, they would leave Cherryville and start anew somewhere else.

Over the course of the week Paula kept getting worse and worse, she was drinking blood and eating raw meat 24/7 in hopes of staying within the range of the living, and not the dead until the kids were ready to be born but it was harder than she had ever imagined.

Paula always assumed that having the babies wasn’t going to be as hard as Bella made it out to be, because well Bella is nowhere near as strong as Paula is.

So Paula thought that it would be a walk in the park, considering all the injuries and pain that she had gone through in the past year but that was just not so.

The fact that she was having two kids instead of one intensified her pain, and for the most part kept her bed ridden.

Paula was anxious to give birth to her kids; to be bitten; to go through her funeral; to come back to life; to hold her children in her arms; and to be with Emmett for forever.

Just as Paula was thinking that, an intense pain shot through her body, she let out a glass shattering scream and Carlisle along with Rosalie and Emmett were in the room.

Paula screamed as she felt the lower half of her body be ripped open, these kids really were vampires and they were killing her.

Carlisle quickly ran over to her and spread her legs putting his hands inside her and taking the kids out and handing them over to Rosalie to take care of.

Emmett was lost in a state of shock; he hadn’t been there when Bella was giving birth so he didn’t know how the process occurred.

He had tricked himself into thinking that it would be like any other delivery, that Paula would huff and huff and push and then the kids would come out crying, but he was terribly wrong.

“EMMETT,” roared Rosalie.

He turned to look at her, as she held a baby in each arm and said, “BITE HER NOW!”

Emmett ran over to Paula, who was fighting to stay conscious. Paula fought through the urge to scream and said, “Remember one of them is gonna be Aden McCarty Cullen and one Elijah McCarty Cull . . .”

With that she fell limp onto the bed, Emmet bared his fangs and sunk them all over her body repeatedly trying to get as much venom into her system as possible for the turning to begin.