Status: Completed.

The Wonder of You

First Rumble

Pauly saw the gun be pointed over at Emmett; she knew that the Scorpions had probably seen the two of them together when he brought her the burrito. The Scorpions figured that he had to be her boyfriend since he was taking her dinner.

Since the protocol for declaring a war among the greaser gangs in the town is targeting the leader’s significant other and hurting them, the Scorpions were about to declare war.

Pauly dropped her bag on the floor and took off sprinting towards Emmett. She was in midair when she heard the shot get fired, but she still managed to knock Emmett onto the floor.

She didn’t think the landing was going to hurt that bad, but landing on top of him was like landing on a pile of marble.

The car containing the Scorpions stopped and threw a note out onto the floor, before they sped off. Tony ran and picked up the note not opening it till Pauly was there so she could read it to them.

Pauly breathed in deeply as she was on top of Emmett. She was scared stiff at the idea of something happening to him, it just wasn’t right.

Pauly opened her eyes and found herself staring into Emmett’s deep black eyes. She was a little freaked out, his eyes were always a hazel color she feared that he had suffered head trauma.

“Are you okay?”

Emmett nodded his head, afraid of opening his mouth because all he wanted to do was sink his fangs into her neck and suck her of her blood. She was bleeding heavily and he could smell it, her blood was making the monster come out and he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to hold it in much longer.

Edward please tell her she’s bleeding and get her away, I can’t control myself much longer.

Edward nodded and said, “Pauly you’re bleeding.”

“What? I don’t feel myself bleeding.”

“Look at your right arm.”

She looked down and found that the bullet had pierced her skin and she was indeed bleeding. Pauly looked down and found Emmett with a pained look on his face, she held her right arm and said, “Get him to the doctor. I think he’s suffered some severe head trauma.”

“What? I think he’s fine.”

“Nah, his eyes are black.”

The Cullen’s quickly put Emmett into the car and hauled ass back to their home. Pauly cursed as she saw the damage the bullet down, she would have to wait for the skin to heal and then get the tattoo fixed up.

“Can I get a fucking bandana?”

The T-Birds were immediately at her side holding out bandana’s. She took one and tied it tightly around her arm stopping the bleeding.

“Pauly we should get you to the hospital.”

“Not right now, we gotta see what these clowns wanted!”

Everyone went quiet, they all knew what the Scorpions wanted; they wanted a war.

“Give me the fucking note.”

Tony handed Pauly the note, she looked at it and started reading out loud.

“T-Birds. This means war, you know that. First rumble tonight 10pm Cherry Park. Don’t be late.”

Pauly crumpled the paper in her hands and started shouting orders, “I want you to round up the other T-Birds! Go to their homes get ‘em. Bring the brass knuckles, chains, knives, baseball bats. We’ll show these clowns who runs this TOWN!”

The T-Birds were quickly assembled and the thirty greasers made their way over to Cherry Park. They walked down the street in perfect step. Some holding chains, others knives, others brass knuckles, and still others steel baseball bats.

Pauly personally preferred a good baseball bat; she could do some wicked damage on people with a baseball bat but she always had her chain on her . . . just in case.

Cherry Park was deserted, and so was the entire area surrounding it. Word had gotten out that a rumble was happening tonight; the first rumble in over fifty years and as much as people wanted to see it go down they were frightened.

The older generation that had been there often scared their children and grandchildren with the stories of violence. Everyone knew that the only people that belonged at the rumble were the greasers . . . they were the only ones tough enough for it.

The T-Birds and Scorpions stood twenty feet apart from one another. The Scorpions weren’t as well trained as the T-Birds everyone knew that.

The Scorpions were only in shape because of the sports that they participated in. The Scorpion elders didn’t foresee another war breaking out, so they never bothered teaching their kids in the art of Greaser war.

All they told them was take the chains, bats, knives, and fight with someone who has a similar weapon so it’s even.

That was a rule all Greasers observed, you couldn’t fight a knife with a bat, it had to be a knife for a knife so the odds would be fair.



“You declared war.”

“I know.”

“I don’t think you know what can of worms you’re opening up.”

“Don’t think I’m stupid. I know exactly what I’m doing.”

“I don’t think you do. I don’t think you grasp how dangerous this is. This ain’t no game. Don’t you remember what happened back in the day?”

Johnny didn’t like being called stupid. Sure he hadn’t thought the whole thing out, all he knew was that his pride had been wounded when she had thrown him down on the floor and beat the crap out of him in front of a football stadium jam packed with people.

He needed to change the conversation and said, “How’s your boy toy?”

Pauly’s eyes narrowed with rage. She gave an animalistic howl and charged over to Johnny, she kicked him in the chest knocking him down. Hell broke loose; each side had thirty greasers so it was an even fight.

Pauly glared at Johnny and said, “Come on stand up! Don’t fucking stay there on the floor you punk!”

He stood up, and grabbed his bat. They circled one another trying to see how the fight would work out best.

Pauly was caught off guard when one of the Scorpions knocked her onto the floor, they were playing dirty. Johnny took this opportunity and thanked the guy then brought the bat into contact with Pauly’s back. She didn’t scream out in pain as he had planned for her to do.

Johnny jumped on top of her and turned her punching her in the face over and over again. Pauly bucked her hips knocking him off; she picked up her bat, very pissed off, and whaled on him with her bat. She gave him about five good hits with the bat; she had him clutching his stomach when she started kicking him.

Pauly kicked him so he was on his back, and put her foot on his chest placing the bat on his throat. She breathed heavily and looked around all of the Scorpions were on the floor.

She grabbed her bat and said, “Next time you wanna rumble be fucking ready to rumble! This shit was only five minutes. That ain’t no fight. Send a message when you’re ready to fight like Greasers.”

She kicked him one last time before she walked off with her boys. They made their way over to the diner and sat outside of it. Her boys weren’t beaten up, they had made it out without a scratch.

She on the other hand had a bullet wound, bruises on her face, and possibly a broken rib. But if Johnny hadn’t fought dirty she would’ve been alright.

“I’m gonna head over to the hospital.”

“We’ll walk you.”

“I gotta go get my bicycle first.”

They walked her to her home and then to the hospital. Pauly walked in and filled out the paper work.

She sat in the emergency room for only a few minutes before a musical voice said, “Paula Marie Lombardi?”

She looked up and saw Carlisle Cullen standing there. She stood up slowly not really being able to move to well and said, “Hey Doc.”

“What happened to you? You’re a mess.”

“Let’s see I got a bullet injury and then a rumble.”

“You need to be more careful.”

“I was careful. Those damn Scorpions are fucking cheaters though.”

“How so?”

“Rules are it’s one on one. Johnny had someone push me that’s a cheat. We don’t do that.”

“Calm down. I need to clean your bullet wound and sew you up.”

“How’s Emmett?”

“He’s fine, thank you. But you shouldn’t have risked your life, he would have been ok.”

“Nah, it was so close to him would’ve gone through the heart.”



Cried out Pauly as Carlisle doused her wound with rubbing alcohol. It stung badly, she bit her lip trying to forget the pain.

Soon enough Carlisle was done sewing her up, he told her she had two bruised ribs, but that she would be ok.

Pauly looked at her arm and said, “How long before the stitches come out?”

“Three weeks.”

“How long before I can get it tattooed over?”

“You want to tattoo it?”

“Yup. Gotta cover up these marks.”

“I’d say three months to be safe.”

“Alright. Thanks Doc.”

Pauly was at the door, when she turned around and said, “Hey Doc?”


“Do you think I could go over to your house and check on Emmett? Please?”

Carlisle smiled at her, this girl really did love his son and he was thrilled. He loved Rosalie, don’t get him wrong, but her and Emmett just didn’t really fit. But Emmett and Pauly that was a different story.

“I’m not gonna do anything perverse sir. I just wanna check up on him.”

“I wasn’t thinking that you would. Here’s the address and here are directions.”

“Thanks Doc.”

She hugged him quickly and ran out. She went into the bathroom and saw that she looked a mess, but she couldn’t go home because her mom wouldn’t let her leave.

Plus she wasn’t expected home tonight, after rumbles greasers don’t go home they stay out with their sweethearts, and enjoy themselves.

“I can’t believe I almost killed her!”

“You didn’t though Emmett!”

“She risked her life because she thought I was in danger and all I could think about was the blood pouring out of her wound.”

“That’s normal! She’s your singer her blood is ECSTASY for you. But you didn’t kill her and that’s what matters.”

“I don’t deserve her.”

Edward sighed; he hated seeing his brother go through the same thing that he had gone through with his beloved Bella. He knelt down in front of his brother and said

“Yes you do. You deserve to be really happy. Not just sexually happy, but emotionally. You can fight it all you want, but you won’t win you need her. You need her so much that her blood will eventually stop calling the monster out of you because all you want to do is protect her. Just relax Emmett.”

Edward and his siblings walked out of Emmett’s room and sat in the living room. Emmett sat on the bed, angry with himself for almost losing control and confused over his emotions.

He sat on the bed with his head in his arms lost in deep thought until he was snapped out of his thoughts by a noise at the window.