What Has Become Of Me?

Explanations At Last.

“How is it you hide yourself?” I ask curiously.
“This,” he replies running his fingers over the simple woven bracelet on his wrist.
I stare at it trying to understand how such a thing could hide his true identity from two packs in the same room.
“It’s an old trick taught to me by my parents,” Wyatt pauses with a scowl, “I think.”
“My past is long and murky.”

“How long do we live?” I ask aware that normal werewolves have a life expectancy of at least twice that of humans.
“Would you believe I’m already one hundred and ninety two?”
I stare in disbelief. Despite his scruffy appearance he doesn’t look a day older than twenty five.
“Looking good for my age, don’t ya think?” he asks with a grin.
“And you’ve no plans to drop dead soon?” I ask knowing he’s approaching the end of a normal werewolf’s life expectancy.
“Not as yet, I’m still too young and fit.”

“So we’re here for me to learn about what I am, best we start I think,” I say after a moment’s silence.
“Very well, any questions to start us off?”
“Just one, why is it so powerful to mix a werewolf and human? Shouldn’t the child of two pure werewolves be stronger?”
“I can see why that’d seem like the logical thing but the genes of two werewolves blend much easier than those of a human and a werewolf making the resulting child of the former coupling much more stable than the child of the latter. A child with mixed parents is ever adapting, the warring natures are much more raw and contrasting giving them more power. Or at least that’s how it’s been explained to me over the years.”
I nod absorbing what he has to say.

“So the benefits we reap from having blood such as ours are heightened senses, faster healer, mental and physical dominance over pure blood werewolves and greater separation between our human and wolf natures. These benefits add to our allure to others as they sense us to be better genetic matches meaning our children should be stronger than those of others.”
“Greater separation of human and wolf?” I echo confused.
“Ever have mental discussions with your wolf even if you aren’t using words? Ever felt its needs as being separate to that of your current form? Well apparently that isn’t the case for normal werewolves; their two natures are merged as one.”

At the mention of her, I feel my wolf stir in the corner of my mind. She regards my human observation of her, and I process her wolf observation. Both of the opinions are fed to me and yet both are separate leaving me utterly confused for a moment. I’d assumed this division between the two had just been normal.

“So let’s talk about your plans for the future. Do you have an escape plan?” Wyatt asks cutting through my mental debate.
I shake my head. Why would I need an escape? I have everything I’d ever need here; family, a pack and a home.
“It’s a sore mistake not to ready to flee. You will always be hunted for what you are. We’re apparently a great threat so we must be destroyed. I think you’d be wise to have a plan for just in case. I’m sure they won’t turn on you and love you and blah blah blah. The crux of the matter is that wolves are pack minded; they may love you but if you become a threat the individual must be sacrificed for the pack’s wellbeing.”

I scowl knowing he’s right but I can’t imagine the guys ever turning on me. This man may be a stranger but he’s wise enough to have survived for 192 years and has bailed me out before.
“What should I have prepared?” I ask.
“Prepare a bag or something with some money, a tin or two of long lasting food and I’ll show you how to make a band such as mine for concealment. I wouldn’t be too concerned with food though because your wolf is a natural hunter. For comfort you might want some matches to build a fire, it’s hard to be lonely when you’re by a crackling fire. Pack anything else you’d need to leave this place forever.”
I feel uneasy to think of ever having to leave but this is just a precaution; I’m sure it’d never come to reality.

By now our coffees are finished as well as our brunch. I leave for a moment to pay. As I wait for the transaction to go through I realise that I don’t have anyway to get home. I return to the table where Wyatt is waiting.
“So you said you’re leaving tonight, could you teach me to weave a band such as yours?” I ask.
He nods, an easy smile stretching across his face. Wyatt certainly doesn’t seem to be an unhappy person despite being run out by his own pack and destined to walk alone until he dies.

“Lucky for you I keep some back up materials in my car for in case I lose this one,” Wyatt says tapping his band.
“That is lucky,” I smile.
We both stand up to leave.
“Where shall we go to make it?”
He thinks for a moment.
“I’ve got an idea,” he says unlocking his car for us to climb in.
I feel wary to get into his car as if I’m honest with myself, he’s a stranger but my wolf is confident he’s trustworthy.

With the radio turned up loud to some of the more recent hits we drive off. He seems happier with the windows down letting the fresh air rush through the vehicle. I laugh and he shoots me a curious look.
“Sorry, you just remind me of a dog liking to stick its head out the window when it gets a ride in the car,” I explain grinning.
He barks at me then sticks his tongue out at me as we drive out of town and towards the forest.
“I thought we’d head up to your pack’s cabin,” he explains.

It isn’t long until we’re standing in front of the cabin.
“Great plan, except I don’t have a copy of the keys yet,” I tell him.
“Not a problem, you think I’ve gone this long without picking a few locks?”
I watch as he produces a tiny kit from his pocket and picks the lock without any trouble.
“Looks like it’s been more than a few,” I say as he holds the door open for me.
The cabin is simple in design and smells of the woods. I sit at the small table in the middle of the room as Wyatt retrieves the materials we’ll need.

“So here we have six 24-inch strands of string. The colours don’t matter but I prefer the earthy colours such as brown, dark green and so on,” he begins explaining and I watch with keen interest.
“Knot them together while I start burning this wax and we’ll get started.”
I do as he says as; he sets a light a small wick in the centre of a lump of wax. A strong mix of scents comes off the wax almost hurting my nose as it is so overwhelming.
“What is in it?” I ask.
“It’s a mix of a few incenses. There’s coconut traditionally burnt for protection, the same reason it also contains sandalwood, African violet and althea. There’s also Patchouli as I find it is soothing.” He explains and I now understand why the smell is so strong.

“Now you’ll want to slowly wrap these to form knots over and over and keep them secure but we’re going to wrap it around this small piece of silver.”
I look at the slender piece of silver. It isn’t pure and the metal is very malleable but I guess he knows what he’s doing. He places the piece among the strings. I watching his calloused fingers move swiftly crossing the strings over one another.

Once all the strings are tightly weaved together with only about 1 inch left he ties it off. The wax is now melting and he holds the bracelet under the mix letting the wax drip over the strings.
“For the first couple of months it’ll still smell pretty strong but that wears off” he explains.
“I still don’t understand how this can be oh so powerful and confused werewolves,” I say studying the bracelet.
“Neither do I to be honest, but it works,” he shrugs then blows out the flame from the wick.
He sets the bracelet down to dry and harden.

“Fancy going for a run?” he asks.
I check the time on my phone. It’s half past twelve already.
“Sure, but I was wondering if you could give a lift back home in half an hour.”
He nods already on his feet. I shoo him out to get undressed and change.

His wolf is magnificent with a sleek russet coat and a darker colour running down the length of his back.
“Going to stare all day or are you going to race me?” his voice invades my mind.
I narrow my eyes at him then sprint leaving him at my tail.

My body stretches out in long strides and the wind whips through my fur. I let out a joyous howl as my muscles stretch and contract. It isn’t long before I hear him gaining on me but I dart to the side suddenly. His nails claw at the soft soil as he tries to catch up to me. Our speed is almost equal but he’s working hard to go faster. I push myself darting through the undergrowth. Animals hide as we pass by but my attention is split between dodging the obstacles ahead and the sound of his footsteps growing closer.

I push myself to go as fast as I can, smelling as we cross the trails I had taken with the pack not long ago. Suddenly his weight is shoved against me causing us to tumble to a stop. I leap back onto my feet and barrel into him knocking him off his feet. He tackles me as I try to dart off again. We roll and tumble each trying to pin the other growling playfully. Finally I have my paws on his chest and my teeth at his neck. He relaxes letting me win. I leap off him with my tail wagging furiously. He licks my nose then races back towards the cabin.

I start to chase after him and then a shortcut comes to mind. Leaving his trail I start to race back through some others the pack had made not long ago. I skid to a halt at the door of the cabin. Sitting on my haunches, he shoots out of the thicket and looks at me incredulously.

I push my way into the cabin visualising my human form. As I pull on my clothes I try to catch my breath. Wyatt’s waiting at the door when I open it.
“Cheater,” he huffs with a playful light in his eyes.
“Sore loser,” I respond poking my tongue out.
“Come on, let’s get you home,” he says laughing as he gathers up the bracelet and other items.
I help him and examine my new bracelet the whole way home.

The car ride is too short and full of laughter. He pulls to a stop outside my house.
“This was fun, thank you” I say turning to face him.
“No, thank you. It’s been two decades since I’ve had fun like that.” His smile touches all of his face as he beams at me.
“Still leaving?” I ask.
“I might kick around for a little bit, maybe not this town in particular but I won’t be far,” he says.
I nod happy to know he isn’t going to disappear, there’s still so much for me to learn.
“See you around then,” I say slipping out of the car.
“Until next time,” he smiles.
He doesn’t drive off until I shut the front door.

The house is still and I take the opportunity to gather up some clothes to have a shower. I place the bracelet inside the drawer of my bedside table before slipping into a shower and getting ready for the long afternoon ahead.
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I guess all I can say is; sorry guys.
Thank you for sticking with me, I don't know where I'd be without your support.
I appreciate every reader, subscriber and commenter. Thank you.