Status: Hiatus

69 Things I Shall Not Do at Hogwarts

I shall not call Snape “Sev”, “Snapey poo”, or “Debbie”, he does not respond favourably to them.

I was sitting between Fred and George in the Great Hall. The morning was boring and wasn't filled with much. Just Divination and Herbology. But unfortunately, I wasn't looking forward to my class right after lunch.

"I don't want to go to Potions right after this. Snape's still piling on work. And all he does is make fun of Harry. It's quite annoying. Last me I told off Snape when he did that, I got a detention and five points from Gryffindor."

"Snape's just pissed off that a Syltherin didn't get it and that we called him Snapey Poo last week." George smirked, resting his elbow on the table and his head on his palm.

". . .And you didn't tell me?"

"I'm sorry, love," Fred blinked before I looked over to George.

"Could've sworn we told you. Now, let's get your little American arse over to Potions." He got up and held his hand to me, I took it and smiled back at Fred. He was waiting for Louise to finish up her lunch.

"My arse is not little."

"'Course not. It's lovely."

I laughed and linked my arm with his, which was very difficult. He had a good foot on me. As we walked down to the dungeons, he was telling me the entire story on how Fred called Snape "Sev" and then how George called him "Snapey Poo." It seemed that Snape didn't take well to either of the nicknamed. The twins actually had a detention tonight for it. Hopefully I wouldn't get well in it. I had gotten too many detentions lately. But, if I did get one, detentions with the twins were always funny.

George wrapped his arms around my waist, hugging me and picking me up slightly. I couldn't help but to giggle at this — I did every time he or Fred did this. "I'll see you after your double Potions. Fred's coming down to walk Louise back to the common room, so I figured I could come get you and maybe go for a walk or something? It's nice out."

"Alright, sounds like a plan. I can't wait."

I can't believe he was piling on this much work. He kept saying some of us was going to get poisoned. I was actually pretty afraid at this point. I was sitting next to Ron. Hermione was sitting next to Harry and Louise. Ron and Harry still weren't talking. I was talking to Harry, but I didn't want Ron to get lonely. We finished and smiled slightly at each other. Ron hadn't been in the best of moods lately. I needed to cheer the bloke up.

"Oi! Debbie." I waited and no answer. ". . .Debbie." Still no response.

"Who the bloody hell is Debbie? Do we even have a Debbie in this school?" Ron's eye brows knitted as he tried to figure out who I was talking about.

"We do have a Debbie," I pointed to Snape, "he's just not responding to his name."

Ron stared at me for a second, his eyes widening. "Are you completely bonkers? You're well in it if he hears you." It seemed Ron was trying not to laugh at this point.

"Who hears what exactly, Mr. Weasley?" Snape snarled while he raised his nose at us. Did I ever mention how big his nose was?

"Oh," I turned around and smiled up at him. "He thinks I'll get in trouble because you don't know your real name."

"Real. . .name? Let's stick to Professor Snape, Miss Haywood." He barked as he turned around to walk over to Draco.

"Bye, Debbie!"

". . ." The professor turned and glared at me. I thought he was going to rip off my head or something. "What did you say?"

"I said Debbie — it's your name, innit? Or do you want us to call you Snapey Poo?"

"Detention tonight! My office! Ten points from Gyrffindor!"

I laughed and turned back to Ron who was staring bug-eyed, trying not to laugh. "It's okay. I got detention with your brothers tonight. We'll think of more names for him."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I took so long to update.
I've had quite a bit of a writers block.
Hope you found it funny.
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And thanks soooo much to everyone.
Thanks for the seven stars!<3
