Status: Hiatus

69 Things I Shall Not Do at Hogwarts

I shall not ask if the Easter Bunny is Jesus’ Animagus form.

I was sitting at the table in the common room, looking down at my books. A few days ago we started learning about Animagi in Transfiguration. I thought it was absolutely brilliant. But I had a hard time fathoming it. My skinny fingers turned the pages gently before looking up at Harry. "You know about Animagi, right? I mean your God Father was one and your dad. You should know a bit, right?"

"I know a bit, want my help?"

"I'd be bloody grateful."

Right when I went to move closer to Harry I felt hard abs against my shoulders and upper back. Someone was leaning over me before slamming parchment on the table. "I think I heard Animagus." I couldn't help but to blush once I realized it was George. He kept his hand on the table, still leaning over my back. With the quill still in my hand, I snaked my hand around his lower arm and gripped it slightly.

"Yes, and what do we owe to get your amazing presence over here?"

"Well, look at number two. When's transfiguration start?"

I looked down at the list and couldn't help but to smirk. "Next," it was in about twenty minutes. I felt George shift back while he took the parchment back. I closed my book and looked back at Harry. He looked simply baffled, which made me giggle so much.

"Sorry, Harry — gotta take care of some business." I got up, grabbed my books and headed towards Fred and George who had those devious smirks upon their face. "Shall we go pay Professor McGonagall a quick visit before her class starts?"

"I think we shall," they chimed, only smirking more.

We walked through the halls of Hogwarts, chatting amongst ourselves. We kept wondering what McGonagall's face and reaction would be like. I guessed that she would give us detention and be irascible for the rest of the class. Fred thought her head would simply just explode and result in a month's detention. George couldn't even begin to explain what he thought she would do. We laughed hard once more before straightening ourselves up and walking into the Transfiguration class room. Professor McGonagall was sitting at her desk doing paper work before she looked at us over her silver glasses.

"Mr. Weasleys, Miss Haywood, how may I assist you today?"

"Well you see —" Fred started.

"—Your amazing student, Abbigail here, wanted to us to help her with what you're teaching her class —"

"—And we wanted to make sure we had the right information."

"Miss Haywood, why haven't you asked Miss Granger for help? I'm sure she could guide you more than," she paused, not wanting to be rude and finishing her sentence. "What's the question Mr. Weasleys?"

Fred cleared his throat before the twins put on a serious face, "is the Easter Bunny Jesus' Animagus form?"

The professor's face filled red before she pointed at the door. "Out!" She barked and we all walked out of the class briskly, trying to control the laughter.

As soon as we got far enough — we all burst into uncontrollable fits of laughter, all of us falling onto the floor in tears.
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