Status: Hiatus

69 Things I Shall Not Do at Hogwarts

I shall not say “You might be a pureblood if...” jokes, they will get me into trouble—

—especially in front of Slytherins.

We were sitting in the common room, just relaxing on the couch. Fred wiped out the list and looked at it. "Hm, it's been a few days since Abbie decided do the fourth one when we were in the Great Hall. . ."

"Which was brilliant, might I add." George spoke up.

"I think we're in order for number five, what do you think Agent Haywood?"

"Well, boss. Since number five is most likely going to get us into trouble and probably our asses kicked, I don't see why we're sitting on this couch! We're wasting precious time."

"What're you guys going to do? I've only things incredibly stupid lately that I've seen you three do is Abbie screaming, "remember, save a broom, ride a wizard!" And "it does death!" What're you guys up to? You do realize, I will find out eventually. Might as well tell me now." Louise sat down next to Fred and tried to glance at the parchment that held our precious list. Before she could even see one word on there, Fred was already one step ahead. He had already folded it back up at placed it back in his pocket.

"Why, my love. Like I told you, we're not doing anything."

"Right," George agreed with Fred. "As for Abbigail screaming anything bloody barmy, well, that's just her being stupid."

I laughed, smacking George's arm. "Thanks!"

"Oh, don't mention it." He smiled at me, throwing an arm around my shoulder, giving me a half-arsed hug.

"Then why won't you show me what's on that paper?"

"Because—" Fred paused, trying to think of something fast.

"—Because, Louise," I saved him, "he doesn't want you to look at the porn we found. Those pure and innocent eyes of yours can't handle the dirtiness."

"Way too kinky," George added.

Louise's jaw dropped, thinking we were serious. How could she really think we were serious? "You're kidding me right?"

"Nope," the twins and I said in unison.

Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Harry, Louise, Fred, George and I were sitting at the Gryffindor table enjoying some lunch. Boy did I love the food the house elves cooked. They were excellent cooks. The Slytherin table was filled today — like every Slytherin decided to eat at once. I really do think we're about to get our asses kicked.

"Hey George!" I said loudly. "Hey Fred!"

"Hey Abbie!" They chimed loudly.

"You know, you might be a pure-blood if your mum's your aunt!"

Ginny, Hermione and Harry choked on their food and drinks while Ron burst out laughing. I couldn't help but to smirk. The twins were chuckling, trying to think of some themselves. Louise stared at me, wide-eyed. I forgot she was a pure-blood. Hopefully she wouldn't mind. I could feel some stares at us already — this was going to be good.

"You might be a pure-blood if your lover is your cousin!" I high-fived Fred, laughing.

George joined in, "you might be a pure-blood if you're related to almost every wizard or witch you meet!"

My turn, "you might be a pure-blood if you've been removed from a family once or twice!"

"You might be a pure-blood if you're a product of incest!" George got the last one.

It wasn't long before an entire group of Slytherins were behind us, giving us the dirtiest glares. All of us were laughing by now. We turned to them and waited for them to say something.

"Why are pure-bloods making pure-blood jokes?" A girl questioned, it was none other than Pansy Parkinson.

Fred and George gasped, gripping their chests as dramatic as they could. "So you acknowledge us as pure-bloods now?!"

"You're still filthy blood-traitors if you ask me." Draco interrupted.

"There's the thing, Malfoy, no one asked." I learned against George's arm, still smirking greatly.

"Break it up!" A snarly voice yelled as they got in between the group. "Detention for a week for all three of you and five points from Gryffindor." He turned towards his house's students. "Go sit back down before I take points away from Slytherin."

We got away with not getting our asses kicked — amazing.
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