Status: Hiatus

69 Things I Shall Not Do at Hogwarts

I shall not ask Sir Cadogan if he is one of the Knights Who Say Ni.

"Yo, Cap'n," I said as I found George on the couch. I jumped over the back and landed right next to him.

"It's amazing how you can tell us apart from behind."

"Amazing, aren't I? I'm just that talented."

"You just saw Fred, didn't you?"

"Perhaps." I smirked as George shook his head. Our list still wasn't incredibly long yet and there were a few that I wanted to add without telling either of the twins. And there were some that the twin wouldn't understand unless I explained it to them. Being raised as a Muggle have me alot more ideas. "Hey, have you ever seen any Muggle movies?"

"Er, no, why?"

My smirk had turned into a devilish one. "Let me tell you about one."

"Uh. . . . Alright then." I don't think I had ever seen George more confused.

I had told him and Fred about this old British comedy film and made sure I told him in detail about the knights. Alright. It was time to find Sir Cadogan.

"Sir Cadogan!" I said as I ran up to his portrait and smiled. "Alright?"

"Ah, good to see you, Miss Haywood! I've been good. And what about yourself?"

"Well. I have a question to ask you. I'm hoping you'll take this very seriously."

"Alright, what is it?"

"Are you one of the Knights Who Say NI?"

". . .What?"

"Are you one of the Knights Who Say Ni?"

"I've never heard of such knights."

"Do you also own the words Peng and Neee-Wom?"

"Peng and what?"

"Ah!" I covered my ears and scrunched up a little as if to be in pain. "Don't say it!"

"Don't say what?"

"The word!"

". . .My dear girl, what on Earth are you talking about?"

I stood up and shook my head, "nothing."

I hid where Sir Cadogan couldn't see me and watched Fred as he approached the portrait. It was rather tough to hold in my laughter.

"Ah, Mr. Weasley, your friend asked me a rather odd question, is she mental?"

"What'd she ask?"

"She asked if I was some Knight who said Ni."

"Ah!" He covered his ears and his face looked like he was in pain. "Don't say that word!"

"Why can't I said Ni —"


"—Or Peng —"


"—Or Neee-Wom?"

"Sir Cadogan! Stop! Please! Don't say it again! The horror! I will get you that shrubbery that looks nice and is not too expensive if you don't say those words!"

"You're just as mental as your friend. . ."

Fred quickly scattered out of the way and walked briskly over to me trying to hold in his laughter.

"That was purely brilliant."

"I know, Agent Haywood. What else would you expect from your boss?"

"Nothing less, sir!" I saluted, laughing.

"Sir Cadogan!" George called as we walked up to him. Poor man, we had been harassing him for a good solid week now with this. He actually resulted in shouting "Ni," "Peng," or "Neee-Wom" when we passed.

"What do the three of you want now?"

"We have a question."

"For goodness sake already. Ni! Ni! Ni! Ni!"

We looked at him like he was completely barking. I smiled sweetly and shook my head. "Knight Who 'Til Recently Said Ni!"

"I can't say Ni anymore?"

"You are now the Knight Who Says Ekke Ekke Ekke Ekke Ptang Zoo Boing Zow Zing!"

". . .What?"

"I don't know. Have a good day Knight who says Ekke Ekke Ekke Ekke —"

"—Ptang Zoo Boing —"

"—Zow Zing!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this is mostly dialogue.
And if you haven't seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail, you won't get this one bit.
Here is a link to a clip with the Knights Who Say Ni for those who don't know who the Knights are. :)
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