Status: Hiatus

69 Things I Shall Not Do at Hogwarts

I shall not scare the first years by screaming “I’m melting, I’m meeeeeltiiing” while they are—

—in the showers.

I was woken up by two small, cold hands shaking me. "Get up. Fred and George wanted me to wake you up and tell you to go meet them."

"Damn it, Louise, why are your hands so cold?"

"I don't know, maybe because it's winter?"

". . .You may be right."

I sat up and stretched. Why couldn't George be the one to wake me up? He had already broken the charm that turned the stair case into a slide when a boy tried to walk up the stairs. I had a strong feeling that Professor McGonagall was downstairs for some odd reason.

By the time I walked down the stairs and into the common room, I had proven myself right. She was downstairs, talking to Potter and Granger about something. Ron wasn't with them, that was a little off. Perhaps he was still sleeping?

When I got to Fred and George I blinked. "Why did you guys have Louise wake me up for?"

"You know," started Fred.

"We were looking at the list when we realized, shouldn't the first years be showering right now?"

Both of the twins' lips were twitching into smirked that read mischief.

"Why yes, yes they should be." I gave Fred and George their morning kisses on the cheek before turning on my heels and walking towards the common room. I could hear Louise investigating the twins behind me as I quickly scattered up the stairs. Louise had been doing alot of investigating lately, I think she really wanted to know what we were doing. Either to tell us to knock it off — or because she wanted to be included. With her being a bit like Hermione, we never really did include her in our pranks or jokes. She wasn't much of a trickster. I think it made her a bit sad seeing as Fred was her boyfriend. I kinda felt bad sometimes.

Putting a sweet grin on, I walked into the girls' showers and looked down at a first year. "I know it's time for the first years to shower, but I have to get an early start today. Would you lot mind if I used one of the showers?"

They all shook their heads while they took the bait — bingo.

"Thanks." I walked into one of the showers and shut the door, locking it behind me.

By the time I was about to step in the shower, there were only about five girls in the bathroom now and they were all out. When I stepped in, I started screaming, "I'm melting! I'm meeeeltiiing!"

You could hear the horror coming from the lot of them. A few of them were shrieking and the other few were scattering about.

"What do we do?!" One girl yelled.

"Let's go find Professor McGonagall quickly! She'll know what to do!"

All five of them ran out of the bathroom and ran down the stairs, screaming McGonagall's name. I shut off the shower quickly and wrapped a towel around me and walked over to the top of the stairs, listening.

"A girl!"

"An older student! She was melting in the shower! I don't know why!"

"M-melting?" the Professor probably thought they were all mental by now. "I can assure you no one was melting in the showers."

"She started to scream! Saying she was melting!"

The only sound that could be heard coming from the common room was the laughing fit the twins were having. It was like McGonagall knew. I ran into my dormitory and threw on some clothes before she walked in. I used magic to dry my hair and threw myself onto my bed, grabbing a book and burying my nose in it.

"Miss Haywood." She appeared at the door.

"Yes, Professor?" I looked up from the book.

"Please refrain from tricking the first years into thinking something that is quite ridiculous."

I can assure you that I have no idea what you're talking about. I've been sitting here innocently, reading my book! And here I am reading and getting accused of such accusations!"

"Miss Haywood." She said more sternly this time.

"Note taken, Professor McGonagall."

"Thank you."

So close.
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