Status: Hiatus

69 Things I Shall Not Do at Hogwarts

I shall not imitate Steve Irwin while in Care of Magical Creatures class, even if I have the best—

—fake Australian accent.

In the past few weeks of harassing the Slytherins, things resulted in all them doing crude and horrid "jokes" to get back for a Muggle-born making pure-blood jokes. It was horrible and resulted in me having to see Madam Pomfrey at least once every two days. The entire Gryffindor House was getting very protective over me. Probably because they'd do that with any Gryffindor in my position and the fact that they found the entire pure-blood jokes hilarious — even the pure-bloods in our house. Fred and George normally walked me to my classes now. Especially since that one time were Fred had to pull Pansy and I off each other. She tried to start a fight with me — which just mean that I kicked her arse.

George and I were pissing about while Fred watched and laughed. I got a running start and jumped onto Fred's front side. He caught me right before I fell and held me up. "You know, you lot look like a bunch of pillocks." He shook his head, carrying me as my legs were wrapped around his waist. If he were to drop me — I'd be in deep shit; the distance between me and the ground was quite large. I placed my arms around Fred's neck and hugged him. He was always the older brother I never had. Fred smiled and hugged me back before hanging me over to George. "I got to go attack my muffin of a girlfriend."

I clung onto George the same way I was clinging onto Fred. "I feel like we're playing pass the monkey."

"You might as well be a monkey!"

"Then I'd be all hairy and gross!"

"Yeah, you're too cute for that any ways."

I felt a blush rush over my cheeks as I rested my head against his chest as he carried me.

When we arrived at Hagrid's hut, George put me down slowly and gave me a soft hug while eying all of the Slytherins. Half of them already hexed me or something. "Maybe I should stay," he whispered in my ear as he waved at Hagrid. I looked up at him, not knowing what to say. "Oi, Hagrid!"

"Oh, why 'ello Mr Weasley. 'Ow may I be helpin' yeh terday?"

"Hagrid, would you mind if Fred and I stayed? We always wanted to study. . ."

"Blast-Ended Skrewts," I whispered to him.

"Blast-Ended Skrewts! Can we?"

"Whul, I dun see why not!" Hagrid chuckled, smiling. It made him happy that other students who weren't in the class wanted to learn as well.

I smirked at Fred and then at George as Hagrid pulled out the boxes I got closer to get a look. In an instant of seeing them, I put on the best fake Australian accent. "Crikey! Look at those buggers! They're getting big. Crikey, I think one just bit me in the arse!"

Hargid raised one eye brow looking at me. While everyone else glanced at me like I was insane. The twins already began their soft chuckles.

"Right. Now what you gotta do — you gotta get in there slowly — but he careful! Big things those are, crikey! Listen to me, I'm an official beast hunter! I know what I'm talking about!"

George tossed me a hat that looked exactly like hunting hat.

"Thanks mate! It's perfect!" I put the hat on and adjusted it. "Now, try to get in there and feed them! But you've. Got. To. Be. Careful! Because then they strike it can be that quick that if they're within range, you're dead, you're dead in your tracks! And his head weighs more than my body so it's WHACK! Born a wildlife warrior, die a wildlife warrior!"

Fred was laughing on the ground and Louise was trying to calm him down. Harry was laughing along with Hermione — they knew who I was imitating.

"Er.. Abbeh, why are yeh talkin' like that?" Hagrid stroked his beard a few times, watching the show I was giving the Slytherins and Gryffindors.

"Because, Hagrid! I'm a proud Australian, a very, very proud Australian!"

". . .Abbeh, yer from America."

"Crikey." I paused to stop using my fake accent, "that's right. Thanks for reminding me."
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I actually put real Steve Irwin quotes in there.
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