Status: Inactive - loads of school work. I'll try to update as soon as possible

Fighting an Imprint



I brushed my brown hair out of my face as I took a look at myself in the mirror. I wasn’t pretty – having dull brown eyes and straight boring hair. I had the same dark skin as everyone in La Push, making me blend into the school population. Nothing about me made me stick out. Nothing to make him notice me.


I walked down the driveway, hands in pockets, as I strolled to La Push beach. A couple groups were already down there, exploring the area and having a bonfire. I also saw Jacob and I almost ran up to him, when I realised he was with a brown-haired girl – I presumed Bella; my fists clenched and I found myself trying not to hyperventilate. The feeling of jealously crept under my skin as I found myself walking away from the sounds of laughter.

I wandered into the woods, brushing along the rough tree trunks, managing my way through. I knew my way around the woods – after all I had lived in La Push my entire life. That time definitely included exploring and daring each other to go into the woods.

“Jakkkeee!” I cried desperately into the darkness.
“I’m coming, Lissa!” a voice yelled.
My breathing quickened when he wrapped his arms around my waist.
“AARGGHHH!” I screamed.
“Shh, its just me.”
“You found me!” I whispered.
“Of course I did, silly! I’ll always be here for you.”

From then on, I had promised myself that I would never get lost in the woods again. I worked my way around the woods, memorising every tree, every path. Jacob had made a promise that night as well. He’ll always be here for me. I wanted to be the one that would be there for him. It was too late to give him that promise. He was already falling head over heels over Bella and he wouldn’t tell me a thing. But the real question was: would he keep his promise?
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry about the late update, guys!
Count this as a Christmas present :P
Happy new year!