‹ Prequel: Girl I Know

Nothing Else Matters


Carter’s POV

I got off the plane feeling tired and not looking forward to seeing anyone, but my little brother Max. The PR would not stop talking, so I zoned her out. After so many years with the band, stuck in one bus, it was easy to just block everything that I didn’t find important at the time.

I looked around and realized I had missed my home. Not as much as I would ever admit out loud, but I saw the house in the distance and anticipation rose in me. A car pulled up in front of us, and I got in automatically.

I rested my head against the window and felt lonely; I wanted the guys, now I was regretting coming back. Not being able to swallow my pride. We pulled up in front of the house; my little brother was on the stairs. He sat up, with a smile on his face. I got out of the car, before anyone could open the door for me.

“I thought they were lying,” he said with tears in his eyes as he hugged me. “I didn’t think you’d come back.”

“And what leave you to the wolves?” I hugged him back with all my strength.

“How long are you staying?” Max asked as he lead me into the house, when I say the word house I use the term loosely, it’s more of a little castle out in the middle of nowhere.

“As long as it takes to get everything settled,” I said wrapping my arm around him.

“That might take a while,” Max’s eyebrows furrowed together.

“What’s been going on?” I asked realizing that I didn’t know much of what was going on here. Before he could answer I heard my mother’s voice.

“Darling,” she said with a big smile on her face.

“Mother,” I responded back, she took no notice of my coldness.

“I’m so glad you are finally home, we have missed you,” she gave me a quick hug, trying to keep her clothes from wrinkling.

“I’m tired, I just want to go to my room,” I said going towards the stairs.

“But we are having dinner soon,” my mother spoke with alarm in her voice.

“I’m not hungry; I’ll just stop by the kitchen and make myself a sandwich later on tonight.” I heard her gasp, and it made me smile. Knowing full well she had never set foot in the kitchen, and probably wouldn’t even know where it is.

I heard my mother murmur something, and Max trying to calm her down. I was home, that’s something I did myself, but I wasn’t going to live by their rules. I got to my room and it looked exactly the same, everything was immaculate.

My closet was full of clothes that I have never worn, or ever will. I heard a knock on the door, and when I opened it my backpack was on the ground. I picked it up, and got out one of Zacky’s T-shirts. I put it on and crawled into bed.

When I woke up it was dark outside, for a second I freaked out not remembering where I was, but then I looked over to the window and I calmed down. My stomach growled. I got out of bed and put on a pair of shorts.

I opened the door to my room and quietly made my way to the kitchen, as I was rummaging through the fridge; someone came up behind me and tapped my shoulder. I jumped. Turning around I was in shock about who I was staring back at.

“Welcome home,” his voice was the same as it had been years ago. But the butterflies in my stomach weren’t there.
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Here's the first chapter. Comments are very much appreciated and expected.