‹ Prequel: Girl I Know

Nothing Else Matters


Chapter 6
Carter’s POV

As soon as I was going to find my brother I was going to kill him, I was sure it had been Sophie in the garden I didn’t know what he was doing but even though he must of thought it was in my best interested it wasn’t . I saw him across the dance floor and I was cutting through when someone grabbed my arm.

“Where have you been all night?” He pulled me close to his body making it look like we were dancing.

“Jake let go of me,” I said between gritted teeth.

“I just wanted to wish the birthday girl a happy birthday,” he said as his lips crashed on mine. He was hurting my arms. He pulled away from me with a smirk on his face, several people were watching. They knew who I was, everyone knew except.....

I ran from him, not ran, but quickly walked away, he made my blood boil and if it was up to me I would hang him. But I couldn’t he was a family friend which means he has family protection. I got to one of the studies and crashed onto the couch. I cried because I couldn’t go up to my friends and tell them who I was, I couldn’t have them be there for me, because I had deserted them. I heard the door open behind me.

“Are you ok?” the voice made me jump because it was the one I least expected. I pulled my mask back on.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine, you shouldn’t be here,” I said trying to sound proper trying to stop my body from running to his.

“Max told me who you were, and I thought I should come say Happy Birthday in person, but I saw you with that guy and I didn’t want to interrupt,” his mask was still on but I could tell who he was, I could also tell he wasn’t very comfortable.

“I’m sorry about tonight, I know this isn’t what you’re used to, but Max, well Max when he plans something he doesn’t stop and think about other people,” I said trying to not fiddle with my dress, at the same time trying not to take my mask off and just let him know who I was.

“I think you’re wrong about that,” he said with a chuckle as he looked around the room.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, he asked us to come so we can take you away,” his green eyes showed little interest, almost annoyed.

“Then you know,” I said biting my lip the way I used to do it when I was nervous.

“Oh yeah, how can we not know, I mean look at you,” I took a step towards him as he spoke.

“Zacky,” I said and his eyes narrowed.

“Say that again,” he said trying to think.

“Say what again?” I was confused what he meant.

“Say my name again,” he repeated lost in his own world.

“Zacky, look...” he cut me off by taking his mask off and throwing it to the side, in a moment he was in front of me, his hand moving to take mine off. It was a slow motion moment when he reached for my mask and it fell to the ground behind me.

He looked at me in shock, and I realized we had been talking about different things, he didn’t know it had been me. “Carter?” his voice almost a whisper.

In that moment I pushed myself away from him, and ran out the door, I was up the stairs not even listening to my name being called. I made it to my room in time to lock the door crumble to the floor and cry my heart out, because I’ve realized how much I’ve missed him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey, everybody.
Alright here's another update.
But do me a favour if you like this story check out Like Dreamer's Do, by Paul McCartney, cause you know you love me and you trust me. It'll be worth your time.