‹ Prequel: Girl I Know

Nothing Else Matters


Sophie's P.O.V

Once Brian and I walked into the room,everybody and their grandma's heads turned.They'd look and sneer then turn away to sip on their drinks.It didn't bother me as much as I thought it would though,since Brian was at my side soaking it all in like a sponge.

"See the looks on their faces."Brian would whisper,leaning close to me.I chuckled and continued looking around the room at all the people.We finally made it to the appetizer table where Brian stopped for a drink and I nibbled on some dish that was placed on a silver platter.

Brian came up next to me,his eyes set firmly on the floor where couples were dancing to the soft Jazz music once again.His cup of juice was gripped firmly in his hand and every once in a while,he'd lift it to have a taste.

"I wonder where the others are."I asked suddenly.Brian took a sip of his juice and turned his attention towards me.

"Probably around."He mumbled before flashing a smirk,"You'd think they'd be around for me to make a scene."

I laughed,"I think they knew,that's why they bailed."

"Whatever you say,"Brian replied and returned to staring at the dance floor.He sighed lowly and dumped the cup in a near by trashcan,"So.You wanna dance?"

"Huh?"I asked,"Um.I don't dance,sorry."

Brian cocked his brow,"You sure? Everyone can dance."

I shook my head,"Nope,not this girl.I can barely stand on my own feet."

"Oh come on,"Brian whined and walked closer to me.I swallowed down and averted my gaze to the ground.I could feel his presence make his way behind me and pause,"Come on Soph.After all I've done for you tonight?"

His whisper shot shivers up my spine and made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.I shivered,"Y'know,I didn't have to do that for you.But I was being a nice guy,at least give me a dance."

I slowly turned my head to the side to stare at him through his mask.He smirked cockily,"Are you trying to seduce me?"

"Is it working? Cause I'm sure there's plenty of empty rooms in this house.."Brian whispered as the smirk tugged higher across his face.I stared at him,"It was a joke."

"Are you going to black mail me with that stunt you pulled earlier with your sleeves or what?"I asked.Brian twisted his lip in thought and shrugged his shoulders.

"Just give me a dance."He replied.

"Fine.Lets go,"I said pushing away from him and tugging his hand towards the dance floor.I could hear him chuckling behind me; I'm glad he thinks he got to me finally.I stopped in an open spaced area and turned towards him,"Well?"

He held out his hands,"Take them,"He said and I did what he said,"Now place your hand on my shoulder..."

"I know what I'm doing."I snapped.

Brian paused and shot me an amused look,"Thought you didn't know how to dance?"

"Shut up!"I snapped as he chuckled lowly.Brian softly gripped my hand and began leading me around the small space where no one was dancing.I tried my best to keep my head down,but every time he'd lift it with his finger.I chewed on my lower lip and tried to dismiss the awkward situation between him and I,"So,we haven't talked that much.."

"Yeah.I was actually going to bring that up,"Brian broke in,"How've you been?"

"Been working at the shop constantly,that's about it.My life at its best,I guess,"I said lowly as Brian led me into a little twirl which caused my dress to spill out from underneath my feet.I landed back into his chest with a small thud and regained my composure with my hand on his shoulder and one in his hands,"How about you?"

"I've been good.There's not much to say because nothing really has been happening for me,"Brian chuckled,"How's Gerard?"

"It's Jared.And there is no Jared anymore."I replied.

Brian's brows shot up and his thin lips formed into an 'O',"What happened there?"

"Just troubles,I guess.We weren't really connecting that much and I thought it'd be better off we don't see each other,y'know."I paused,"It's for the best and I spent alot of time at the shop this summer,so no worries."

Brian nodded and twisted his lip,"Must've been hard."

I shook my head,"Not as hard as you'd think,"I said lifting my eyes to meet his.He smiled softly and gripped my hand.I was so lost in that moment that I didn't realize that he twirled me once more before dipping me with one hand behind my back and half of his body leaning over me.I swallowed down and gripped the sides of his muscular arms as he slowly slipped the mask from his face to put on his forehead.

"I've been thinking alot.About that night we spent together over at the house,"Brian whispered,"It was fun."

"Yeah,"I mumbled,feeling my cheeks beginning to burn from the blush,"I think about it here and there."

Brian smiled and pulled me up so both my feet were permanently on the floor.The song had long ended and still mine and Brian's hands were still connected together.I softly pushed away from him to fix my dress that had rode up my waist from the dip.

"I've been meaning to ask you something actually,"Brian began as I slipped my own mask off and noticed Zacky walk into the ball room from across the room.He scanned the room with his eyes until they landed on Brian and I.

"Um,well.."I began but was quickly cut off by Zacky coming up from behind Brian.

"Dude,I need to talk to you."Zacky said placing his hand on Brian's shoulder.His brows furrowed at Brian's new clothing attire but shook the thought away.

Brian sneered at Zacky,"Can it wait?"

"Now."Zacky snapped and walked away from him towards the exit of the room.Brian tossed me a serious look before following Zacky out of the room.

"Ugh...fuck it."I decided to follow him to wherever Zacky was going,which was outside of the room where it was empty like a suburban wasteland.

"What is it?"Brian asked,folding his arms across his chest.I walked up from behind Brian and stood next to him.Zacky ran a shaky hand through his hair and stared at the two of us with wide angry green eyes.

"Carter.She's here."Zacky stuttered out.

Both Brian and I jumped like we were burned suddenly,"What?What do you mean?"

"She's here,dude.She's--She's the fucking main girl,the rich priss...the fucking birthday girl that Max set this whole thing up for.It's her!"Zacky roared as he began pacing back and forth.I knitted my brows together curiously and stared at the ground.

"No,it can't be Carter.She's not a rich bitch,we know that."Brian replied.

"Wait."I whispered,remembering the girl in the garden with the nicely fitted gown.She seemed so sad and the tattoo on her back reminded me of..."It was her."

"What?"Brian asked turning towards me.I nodded as Zacky stopped to stare at me.

"She was outside in the garden with me.I asked her for a fucking smoke and talked to her,"I paused to take a breath,"She had the exact same tattoo Carter got that one day she came to my shop."

"I told you,dude."Zacky gritted pacing the spot once again.Brian shook his head and chewed on his lower lip.

"Well if it is her,then what the fuck is she doing here?"Brian said,annoyed at the fact that he was wrong.

"There you guys are,"Matt's echoed throughout the large lobby as we turned our heads to see him,Jimmy and Johnny approaching the three of us,"Where have you been?"

"I could ask you the same thing,"Brian said.Matt noticed the intensity in Brian's voice which caused him to look around at our faces.His brow furrowed.

"Whats going on?"He asked lowly.I chewed on the side of my cheek as Brian and I exchanged glances between one another while Zacky suddenly stopped pacing behind us.My ear perched suddenly,when the sound of a door squeaked to a close from upstairs.My attention immediately left the eyes of the others and stared at the top of the staircase.

My mouth went dry and I seemed to have lost my voice to speak.I didn't know what was going on,but the others noticed this and followed along.
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I'm glad you guys are liking the story so far :)