Closed Away

Saint Jimmy Messanger from Hell

The quite peaceful clouded air left me alone in my thoughts. Up here in the clouds. The place everyone wanted to be, god's throne, his kingdom, and some how I wasn't happy here. You could probibly guess why. I missed being on earth, actual land. But Io wouldn't care where I was, as long as Christian was up here with me. Instead he was suffuring down in the pits of hell. I couldn't even begin to image what pain he was experiencing. I wanted to plug him out, and let him wrap his arms around me. Comforting me. I knew when he died, cause I asked one of the other angels if he was on the list to get up here. And when he wasn't, I-I don't really wanna talk about it now.

The halo above my head glowed out above the foggy clouds. My wings folded together neatly on my back. It was sort of a pain but it was an honnor to have them. Especially after I commited suicide. I thought my life was surely over. My white dress spread over my pale legs. My hair perfect as it could be. I was me, the same girl I always have been. Even though I was a bit sad my boots haven't made the journey with me. I got this flat white mary janes in their place.

Getting up I floated over to a rather large dark cloud. Everyone lounged about with out a care. What was this place? It was so dull. No crime, no trouble, no fighting, gangs or anyone I really even knew. I knew no one, yet the smiled at me and all hugged me. Rejoicing everytime I was around. I didn't understand this place. I wanted nothing more than return home. Hopeing this was all some kinda dream.


Runing from angel to angel no one listened only smiled and waved. I was in a fake land. Articficial as they come. Falling to the ground I tried to cry, then remembered that nothing came out. I've been cheated out of my paradise, and I will not take it anymore.

"Hey! Glory!"

Turning my head around squinted, my eyes went wide at Jimmy standing before me, no wings just a halo tilted over his head.


I ran twords him, not believing what I was seeing. how did he get up here?!

"The one and only."
His cheesy grin popped greeting me.

"How did you get up here?!"

"Oh don't worry about that Glory. What I'm really doing here is to help you out get to our old friend Chis. I've heard he's been missing you terribly."
Jimmy smirked, placing a hand on my sholder.

"I know you! You wouldn't do it out of the kindness of your heart, what do you want?"
I stepped back, feeling like my hand was just on a hot stove.

"And I thought this place was suppose to make people more nice."
He chuckled.

"What do you want Jimmy?"

"Oh, only a reward for my good deeds."

A bad feeling pooled at my stomach as he side glanced me. Gulping down that little voice in the back of my head, I opened my quivering mouth.

"What kind of reward?"

"You'll know when the time is right. Now, lets go find Chris, remember it's not gonna be easy and it sure as hell isn't going to be quick, takes a while to get into hell."