Closed Away

Appetite For Destruction

Fire shot up behind my closed eyes, and I grinned widely. The throne felt all that much better, considering all factors of annoyance was gone. Disappeared really, with just the simple snap of my fingers. I knew they wouldn't last long on Earth, which was partly why I sent Jimmy with her. I knew the sheer factor of her not being able to be seen, but Jimmy being completely visible to those that he chose would drive her nuts.

Gloria was this attention hog who couldn't stand her voice not being heard. That would be the ultimate punishment, and it made a giddy bubble rise up inside of me. And as for Jimmy, well he'd be finished the second he realized that he could be seen. Jimmy's attention craving atmosphere ultimately always destroyed him, and it always gave me pleasure.

He was in every sense of the phrase; a bomb ready to explode. The simplest things would hit the detonator, then it was only a matter of time before Jimmy destroyed himself. Out of all the people I could've destroyed, Jimmy would always be the easiest. He was convinced that he was the top of glass, when in reality he was at the end of the mountain. He was the one on the food chain that everyone would eat.

Giggling to myself and striding around the brimstone, I smiled to myself and let out a sigh. I headed over to the portal viewer, expecting to see complete tragic on Gloria's face. After all, she had run off with the fucking Saint. I wasn't going to let her get off this easily, and being named ruler just brought that attention to my head.

It wasn't in the past, not for me. For fucks sake, she had a child with him! She left me all alone with Zacky, and ran off with that mother fucker! For once, I wasn't being nice. No, now she was going to pay for all the shit she put me through.

Gazing down into the portal, my eyes widened. Gloria was smiling and laughing, Jimmy right along with her. What the fuck?! Gritting my teeth and turning on my heel, I stomped over to Angie. "GET THE FUCK DOWN THERE AND MAKE THEM MISERABLE!"

"That's not really my job--"

"You'll do what I damn well say, Whatsername!"

Grumbling at me as her black wings disappeared, Angie headed down the portal with the roll of her eyes. Stomping over to the portal, I crossed my arms and waited for the destruction to begin.