Closed Away

Suburbian Wake Up Call

Gloria, Zacky, and Gina all happily played in the park. Gloria had decided that taking a break would be good for everyone, then she’d resume cleaning up Murder City. Ha fuck that, I wasn’t a part of the happy picture. I never was.

Grumbling to myself, I turned away from the happy scene and glared at the empty streets. Jingletown was maybe two hundred feet away, and if I made a mad dash I could get there and back quickly. It was basically violating the rules that had been screamed at me, but since when was I all about keeping the rules?

Stealthily getting behind a few trees, I made a mad dash towards my once home while Gloria was completely distracted. Her happy little family made me sick, and as I flew through the streets of Jingletown my eyes scanned street names. They finally landed on Suburbia Avenue, and I took a sharp turn down it.

Five houses, and I seen the old car in the driveway. Smiling slightly to myself, I opened the door and headed inside. Mom was seated at the table, sorting out the bills with Brad. Clearing my throat, I waited for her to look up at me. However, it didn’t occur. Jumping up and down and stomping on the floor, I waited for some reaction. Nothing.

Mom got up from the table, walking my way. Throwing my arms out for a long, overdue hug, my heart rapidly dropped to my stomach as she walked right through me. Turning to look at her back, my eyes began to sting. “Damn that good for nothing Jimmy! He’s still making me pay his bills. Fucking kids useless no matter what.”

Head down and tail between my legs, I sluggishly made my way back to the part. I sat against a tree, face buried in my hands as I openly sobbed. I felt a hand slide onto my knee, and I made sure to quiet down. “Fuck you want, Gloria..”

“Jimmy, she’s always been like this.” her soft voice made me cringe even more, and I simply shook my head.

“You don’t get it. I’ve never been a part of a family, and I never will be.”