Closed Away

Begining To The End

"How are we gonna do that?"

I looked up at Jimmy. Just as he was about to open his mouth he put a hand to his chest and fell to the ground kneeling. I quickly moved to help steady him.

"Jimmy are you alright?"

*Uh yeah I'm fine."

He got to his feet, pushing me lightly away from him walking ahead a bit. I left him some distance but I suddenly got the feeling that we were being watched. Probibly Christian up on his little throne. Looking down at us. I shivered at that thought. I was so sure, that he was the one. Now I didn't even know who he was anymore. I mean selling me out for being satan for a day?

I hugged my arms to myself walking down the road. Jimmy stopped suddenly and came to this glowing orb in the air.

"Come on."

He nodded his head over to the portal. I grabbed his arm when half his body was through.

"Are you sure? How are we even gonna do this?"

My fingertips caressed his shirt hem as he turned around smirking at me.

"Come on Glory, I know what I'm doing."

With that he walked into the portal leaving me here alone. Quickly with out even batting an eyelash I walked into the portal and came out on the other side of hell. Jimmy already off into the distance walking on the burning embers shattered on the ground.

"Jimmy wait up!"

Running around all the rocks quickly making my way over to him. He let up a bit until I was walking next to him. He had a pained expression on his face that made me wonder.

"Are you sure your alright?"

"I'm fine."

I could clearly see the sweat beads running down his forehead and he took in a sharp breath. Something wasn't right.

"Bravo. You made it back. Now, Gloria dear I have something I'd like to share about your Jimmy."