Closed Away

Jesus Stole My Boyfriend

Holding my hands over my mouth I watched Jimmy being ingulfed by the flames. Christian was laughing in the corner by his throne.

"Jimmy was never a smart one."

I snapped my neck in his direction, giving him a hard glare.

"You know what Christian. Your soul maybe as black as your heart. But there was a time when YOU wanted ME to actually get along with Jimmy. And you know what, I think your just a jealous. You couldn't have me, so that means no one can right? And you couldn't handle that we were getting along. You were jealous of what me and Jimmy had. You couldn't handle it! COULDN'T YOU?!"

Huffing my bangs off my face, I rolled my eyes, jumping down off the rocks heading off into a random direction. Christian was steaming on his spot just glaring at me. I knew I was right. And he knew it. Just as I was about to jump down a rock getting to a clearing Whatsername flew down with her black feathered wings blocking the way.

"Come on Angie I don't want any problems I'm already upset I just wanna get out of here. Obviously I failed at what I came here for."

She put out her hand stopping me from going around her.

"Gloria, you didn't fail. Even if I work for Christian now. You know it's not gonna last. He's only incharge for a day. When the sun sets. He's off the clock."

She pointed to her wrist. Biting my lip I looked at her.

"What's gonna happen to him then?"

"He's gonna feel all the pain that he caused to everyone. That's the deal down here. But it seemed to slip my mind when I offered him the job. Oh well. But hey Glory maybe when Christian's running for the hills you can save his ass again eh?"

She chuckled as she floated away from me. I sighed sitting on the rock, holding my head in my hands. How could I possibly help Christian with out Jimmy? How was I even going to help him in the first place? I looked up at the sky. God must hate me.