Closed Away

Do We Have A Deal?

Scuffling towards the two fuming boys and the one confused girl, I immediately waved off the wall of fire I had built in between the two. Christian looked immensely pissed off, Gloria confused, and Jimmy rolled his eyes as he stared at me. My frayed fire wings sent off little sparks as I giggled innocently, waving and giving them all a bright smile. “Hi guys!”

“Angie, what the hell are you doing down here?!” Gloria exclaimed, reaching out a hand to examine my wings, then deciding against it. I gave her another somewhat bright smile, reaching out to ruffle Jimmy’s hair much to his protests.

“Well, all puns intended in that sentence Glory, I’m just a little messenger. Much like you are,” I sent her another smile that reached her face, even though she had a hint of disgust to it. “Anyways, I strolled over here to basically talked to all three of you.”

“Oh stop your fucking rambling!” Jimmy cried out, throwing his hands into the air and letting his halo fly from his head. Rolling my eyes and waving my hand, a ball of fire grabbed it and placed it firmly back on his head. Disgruntled and aggravated, Jimmy crossed his arms and sat on a lava rock.

“Anyways, now that Jimmy’s taken care of, Christian! This offer is mainly for you, since you’ve done such a fantastic job here! As you know, it gets tiring. So the boss is taking a minor day off. Needless to say, you’re in charge! Congratulations! So of course, I’d have to sit here and tell you your positioning, even though you all ready know it. So I’ll just skip those details, and make you so incredibly happy! You’ve got full authority over Jimmy!”

“OH SON OF A GLORIA!” Jimmy screamed out, his eyes wide and jaw dropped. Christian got an evil glint to his eye, and Gloria looked appalled.

“Are you implying that I’m a bitch?!” she screeched out, ready to attack Jimmy. Stepping in between them, I gave them an innocent grin as I looked back towards Christian.

“You’ve got five minutes to discuss it with the saint. I’ll be sitting on the rock over here.”