Closed Away

Christian's Inferno

"Well that's just an offer I can't refuse."

Christian smirked, rubbing his hands together. My jaw dropped. Even to my dismay I still didn't want Christian involved anywhere near this place. It was hell after all.

"Christian what are you thinking?!"

Before I could go into my many rants, Whatsername snapped her fingers and Christian's shackles were gone. He was in his normal clothes he had back on earth. Grinning widely he walked over to Jimmy prodding a finger in his chest.

"Remeber Jimmy, hell has no mercy."


"Like a woman's scorn."

Jimmy frowned covering his ears, blocking out my yells to Christian. There was no fucking way he was going to abuse his purpose here. It was completely dismissing the main reason he was placed here.

Christian jumped ontop of a rock, holding out his arms. A glint in his eyes, and a grin played on his face.

"Ladies and gentle man, welcome to Christian's Inferno."

Whatsername rolled her eyes waving him off walking away. Jimmy repeated Angie's actions. Christian jumped down infront of him raising an eyebrow.

"Where do you think your going?"

"Uh back to work, dumbass."

Jimmy rolled his eyes once more. Christian slapped him upside the head and grabbed him by his neck, pushing him up against the wall. Delievering a swift punch to the stomach.

"What I say goes, and I say you fucking listen to me. I'm in charge I fucking own you. Got it?"

Christian pushed him over and smirked. He felt his arms. And I knew that all that cockiness was going to his head already. He was getting physically stronger, and this place was draining all good and sanity from his body. He smirked as his head whipped to the right.

"You right there!"
He shouted pointing to a guy. The guy pointed at himself and Christian nodded. The man came forward.

"Go fucking move that pile of rocks over there."
I glanced over at the massive pile of bolders. My eyes widdened and I ran over to Christian.

"Christian! He's gonna kill himself!"

"Maybe that was the point Gloria."