Misguided Ghosts

Chapter Seven

Anna gasped and quickly covered her mouth to muffle the loud moan that immediately followed. She could feel the precarious support of the door to the rear lounge of the bus pressed into her as her shirt slowly rode up her back and began praying that the quiet tapping it was making in it's frame didn't wake anyone else. Her head dropped backwards as Matt's lips moved down her body, slowly unbuttoning her pajama top as he went until it was hanging open and he was kneeling in front of her with his lips pressed to her stomach.

His hands softly traced their way down her front; pausing only to pinch her nipples and shoot her a borderline evil smirk before whispering, "Quiet now. We don't want anyone to catch us."

"Hurry up then," she hissed, pushing his hands further down her body until his fingers were wrapped around the waist line of her pants. "Seriously, Matt," she nearly begged him as she arched her hips forward slightly, wincing when the motion made the door move again.

It had been two days since the night in Matt's hotel room. Two days since they had even found five minutes alone together without having to justify to someone else why they were alone. Two days since he had been able to do more then quickly kiss her. Needless to say Anna had been ready to snap and knowing that there was nothing scheduled for today she had set her alarm early; then nearly dragged her boyfriend out of his bunk and into the back lounge ten minutes earlier when her phone buzzed at seven.

"Fine; quickie it is then," he muttered and Anna had to stifle the laugh that she wanted to release as he pouted and yanked her pajama pants down her legs quickly. "No underwear? Kinky."

"Prepared," she muttered in reply. "Day off; they'll sleep in. We don't check in for another three hours."

"I like your thinking," he whispered and pressed a soft kiss to her hipbone, tracing his tongue along the contours of the bone and skin until he reached her center and stopped.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me," Anna grumbled as she slipped her hands into his hair and pulled him closer; flicking his ear lightly when he started laughing. "Evil!"

"Damn straight," he mumbled and Anna's next thoughts were blacked out as Matt's tongue finally reached the destination she had been about to force him into. Matt's mouth slowly traced patterns on her as he spread her lower lips with his hands leaving her trembling. She untangled her own hands from his short hair and bit down on her left hand to muffle the sounds that were beginning to emerge from her mouth. Her right hand quickly found a place on the door frame so she could stay on her feet and near after her left joined it on the other side.

"Fuck," she hissed over and over quietly, finally giving up and catching her bottom lip between her teeth; the noise of her labored breathing being more then enough encouragement for the young man. It took only a few more swipes of his tongue against her clit to send Anna into a silent scream as her knees literally gave out underneath her.

"Whoa," Matt whispered, reaching up to catch her by her elbows before she hit the ground. "You okay?"

"Oh yea," she mumbled into his hair and slowly sank to the ground next to him. "Wow. I'm just gonna lay here for a second," she whispered and rubbed her eyes.

Matt chuckled and slid down next to her, staring up at the bus ceiling with a contented smirk on his face, "I knew I was good. But damn."

"Oh yea," she repeated, still sounding dazed. "So," she whispered a few seconds later. "What are we going to do about you?"

"Normally I'd say break the couch in," Matt admitted and then tilted his head. "But Rian's awake."


"Yea, hear that? In the bathroom?"

"The tapping?"

"Uh-huh," Matt replied. "The little drummer boy has a tapping issue when he's half awake."


"No kidding," he muttered and Anna followed his line of sight to the quite obvious tent in his boxers. "Maybe he'll go back to sleep."

"Yea, let's just wait it out," Anna replied hopefully and laid quietly next to Matt; smiling slightly as a few seconds later he wrapped his hand around hers tightly. They barely breathed as the next few minutes passed and both cursed under their breath when they heard a rattling in the kitchen.

"Coffee," Matt groaned. "Alright. I'm going to go take a shower. You go distract Rian."

"Shower? This early?"

"Yea; a cold one," he replied and lightly pressed a kiss to her lips; a kiss that very quickly deepened as Anna pulled him closer. "Anna I have to go."

"We'll be quiet," she whispered in his ear and pushed his boxers down his hips with her hands. "Very quiet."

She carefully wrapped her hand around his penis and gently stroked the length as she met his eyes above her. It took only a few more movements of her hand before Matt's lips were crushed against hers and his hands were pushing her thighs further apart. Anna groaned against his mouth when he moved her hand and positioned himself at her opening before slowly sliding inside where he froze.

"Shit, stupid, fuck, idiot," he groaned under his breath. "No condom."

"I'll live," she hissed into his ear and arched her hips into his. "Move."

"Okay," Matt quickly gasped and thrust forward to meet her movements. The couple slowly moved together, hips practically glued to one another as they rolled their bodies silently. Their foreheads were pressed tightly together and their lips continuously brushed in soft kisses as they forced any sounds down. "God Anna," he whispered finally and quickly pulled out of her body with a groan.

Anna dropped hard onto the floor of the bus and snorted when she felt warm liquid hit her stomach. They both stayed frozen in place as they began to catch their breath and when their eyes met it took most of their self control not to burst out laughing at the situation. Without looking Anna reached over and grabbed a t-shirt from the floor and immediately wiped her stomach off before sitting up and smiling at Matt.

"Well, that was interesting," she informed him and dropped the t-shirt next to her.

"That was," he mumbled. "Wow. And really fucking stupid. I'm sorry," he apologized quickly, looking borderline nauseous.

"Relax," Anna whispered, still trying to be as silent as possible. "We have the day off. I'll swing by a pharmacy if it's going to freak you out that much."

"Yea," he agreed, nodding quickly and kissing her. "How're we getting out of here?"

"Uhh," Anna mumbled while she buttoned up her pajama shirt. "You go first."

"Yea," he agreed, pulling his boxers on and then frowning. "Isn't that Alex's shirt?"

Anna glanced next to her and chuckled, "Would ya look at that. It is. I'll throw it in my laundry. He'll never know the difference."

"There's something incredibly disturbing about the fact that you just cleaned up, err, after me, with your cousin's shirt."

"Karmic retribution for his attempts to sabotage every relationship I've ever had."

"Remind me never to make you angry at me."

"Not possible," Anna whispered and kissed him again. "Now go shower."
A few hours later found Anna and Matt walking down a quiet street in Charlotte, North Carolina as they fulfilled the premise of their afternoon off together. Their morning had started off slightly different then they planned, including a stop at a pharmacy that Anna had found actually sold Plan B through the pharmacy counter.

Anna smiled softly as Matt's hand bumped hers and immediately wrapped itself around her fingers tightly before pulling her arm around his back and slipping his around her shoulders. She sighed then when his next action was to place a soft kiss to the top of her head before speaking quietly in her ear, "I hate shopping."

"As do I," Anna replied honestly. "But stocking the bus was the only way we were getting them to leave us alone today. They hate shopping even more."

"Not true," Matt corrected. "Rian has no problem doing errand type shopping. Especially when we're on tour."

"Yea," Anna agreed with a frown. "That was an interesting maneuver."

The drummer had volunteered to come and help the couple with re-stocking the bus with junk food and necessities; junk food and necessities they weren't necessarily completely out of either. Matt and Anna just hadn't been able to think of any other reason that they could use to spend the day off alone together without arousing suspicion.


"Uh-huh," Anna muttered. "Don't you think it's convenient that Zack suddenly wanted to go to a batting cage?"

"Zack? Wanting to play sports convenient? I'm pretty sure that's like...documented gospel. Somewhere."

She chuckled at the comment and smacked Matt's hip with her right hand, "No. I mean don't you think it's convenient that his plans were to hang out at the hotel and work out until Rian suddenly wants to tag along with us."

She felt Matt's steps falter for a moment after she spoke and glanced up to see a contemplative look on his handsome face. The look slowly bled into a frown, which very quickly turned into a nervous grimace, "You think he knows?"

"Zack's hardly an idiot. And welllllll, he knows me."

"He knows you? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Honestly? I dunno, it's just the only way I can think to describe it. Zack always knows when I'm dating someone. Even before Alex figures it out. It's super creepy."

"Think Zack likes you? Maybe that's why he pays so much attention to it," Matt commented as she steered Anna towards a small restaurant. "Lunch?"

Anna frowned and shook her head, "I'm not feeling all that great. That stupid Plan B shit made me nauseous." They continued towards the door though as Anna wasn't going to stop Matt from eating. "And as for the other thing, Zack doesn't like me?" she added as they entered.

"Ah, I hear a question in your voice," Matt mumbled and slipped both of his arms around her waist from behind as they waited to be seated. "Strangely though, I'm not jealous."

"You shouldn't be," she responded with a laugh. "Even if he does; I do not like Zack Merrick in any way other then a buddy-brother-type person."

"That's good to know," Matt whispered in her ear and then kissed her neck softly. "Mmmm, you smell nice."

She giggled at the comment and shook her head so that her long hair covered her neck, "Stoppppp Matt."

"Stop what?" he joked, nuzzling her skin through her hair. "You think you smell any less nice with the hair in the way?"

"God you're weird."

"I'm not weird. I'm currently infatuated."

"Infatuation can be dangerous Matthew. Infatuation is one step below obsession."

"Why would obsession be bad?"

"Because it's creepy," she replied, wrinkling her nose. "Obsession is those girls who follow Alex around like he's the god damned teenage pied piper."

"I've got news for you kid, your cousin is the god damned teenage pied piper."

"Yea well, don't tell him that," she mumbled in response and dropped her head back onto his shoulder. "I really don't feel well."

"Do you want to go back?" Matt asked her, concern seeping into his voice. "I can just grab pizza or something."

"If we go back we have to ignore each other," she replied, her annoyance at the fact showing in her voice.

"Yea, well, I don't want you wandering around if you don't feel well. You should take a nap. Let's go. We'll grab a cab or something."

"I can walk," Anna insisted as Matt led her out of the restaurant, waving an apology at the hostess who had been coming to seat them. "At least if I walk we can spend more time together. We aren't terribly far from the hotel."

"Only if you're sure," Matt responded, pausing to examine her face. "You're starting to look a little green."

"I'm sure. Let's go."

They arrived back at the hotel around a half hour after they left the restaurant, having made a short side trip so Matt could grab a slice of pizza. After a fast stop on the bus to drop off their purchases they both quietly crept down the hallway, avoiding letting anyone over hear their arrival, and quickly entered Matt's hotel room. Anna immediately kicked her shoes off and crawled into Matt's bed. She snuggled down into the pillow and watched as he opened his laptop on the desk and opened a folder.

"You're gonna work?"

"Unfortunately, yes," Matt replied. "Take a nap babe. I'll wake you up if I hear anyone."

"But I'd nap better if I was being hugged."

"I'd nap better if I was hugging you too," Matt joked with a smile. "But I can't right now."

"Alright," Anna replied pouting slightly; though she finally closed her eyes and tried to let herself relax into a light doze with the sound of Matt speaking quietly into his phone and typing on his computer as her own personal lullaby. Her last fully conscious thought before she fell into a full sleep was of how nice the day had been, without having to hide anything, and how much she wasn't looking forward to the next for that same reason.
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