Status: Complete.

Monster That Lives In Her Dreams

She looked at me, her eyes were watering

“Okay Saffy, that should be all. We’ll finish reviewing everything we’ve discussed while you’re at dinner, and I’ll let you know after, alright?” Director Duncan smiled

Saffy just nodded, tears in her eyes. She kept her head low, desperate not to let anyone see just how upset she was. Saffy stood up and walked out of the room with her parents right behind her. The three of them stopped in the lobby.

“Whatever happens, just remember how proud of your progress we are,” Saffy’s mother said warmly

“Thanks mom,” Saffy smiled weakly

“See you soon kiddo,” Saffy’s father said softly

Saffy hugged both of them goodbye, waiting till they were out of the building before walking towards the canteen. Hugging her arms around herself, Saffy felt a pang of guilt hit her when she remembered she didn’t tell Camden about today. She knew Olivia would’ve caved and told him instead, and she knew Camden wouldn’t be happy. She just hoped she would be able to explain.

Saffy opened the doors to the canteen, trying to ignore the stares sent her way. She was just on time, and smiled slightly when she saw Olivia wave her over to a vacant seat. Saffy sat down, smiling at her friends, but felt a stab of pain when Camden just looked blankly at her.

“You told him, didn’t you?” Saffy whispered to Olivia

“Someone had to,” Olivia replied sadly

Saffy looked down into her lap as a plate of sausages, mashed potato and peas was placed in front of her.

“So are you stayin’?” Emil asked softly

Saffy saw Olivia wince out of the corner of her eye, Camden just scowling.

“I won’t find out until after dinner. DD and my therapists are discussing it,” Saffy said softly

“Soon then,” Emil smiled weakly

Saffy just nodded her head.

“Can I have the water?” Saffy asked Camden, referring to the water jug in front of him

No reply.

“Cam? Can I have the water?” Saffy asked again, frowning

No reply.

“Oh for fuck’s sake,” Olivia growled

She leant forward, slapping Camden round the back of the head, and passed the water jug to Saffy.

“Thanks,” Saffy choked, tears building up in her eyes

Emil kicked Camden in the shin, scowling, but Camden just looked at him blankly, as if to say ‘what?’


Olivia watched Saffy walk down to Director Duncan’s office, waiting till she was out of sight to shove Camden against the wall.

“What the hell are you playing at?” Olivia shouted

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Camden said simply

“Don’t try to fucking fool me, Rivers, I know how you work. Pretending that Saffy doesn’t exist will not make it easier for you if she leaves. If anything, it’ll make it worse because you won’t get to say goodbye,” Olivia spat

Emil just sighed, shoving his hands in his pockets. This was something he was staying out of. Even if the voices in his head were telling him to get involved.

“It’s the only chance I’ve got of not...” Camden trailed

“Of not...what?” Olivia growled

“Of not having a broken heart. Rip it off like a bandaid. That way she’ll be able to heal and move on,” Camden gulped

“Chivalry is dead, moron. Treating her like crap is only going to make her miserable, not heal,” Olivia spat

“I have no other choice, okay? This is how I deal with things and this is how I’m going to deal with this,” Camden said angrily

“What do you want, Kyle?” Emil interrupted

Camden and Olivia turned their heads, scowling when they saw Kyle leaning up against the wall, popping bubblegum.

“Walked past D’Arco on her way to DD’s office and noticed she was in tears. Thought I would find out why,” Kyle shrugged with a small smirk

“Don’t you have someone else to fuck with?” Camden spat

“I thought I told you to stay away from Saffy,” Olivia said through gritted teeth

“Hey, I’m not here to start an argument,” Kyle said, holding her hands up in surrender

“Yeah right,” Emil scoffed

“I’m actually here to tell you to sort your head out, Cam,” Kyle said in a bored voice

“Excuse me?” Camden said, confused

“Don’t let Saffy get away from you. I know you love her, and as much as I can’t stand that drip, I want you to be happy. Don’t cut her off like this – I know I wouldn’t have wanted you to do the same to me,” Kyle said softly

“Are you for real?” Camden scoffed

“I’m deadly serious, Cam. If you distance yourself from her, you will lose her forever. We both know how that almost ended last time,” Kyle said, guilt flooding her voice

“Wow, you’re actually human,” Emil said in awe

“Don’t push it, schizo,” Kyle spat

“And she’s back,” Olivia snorted

“Just think about it, okay?” Kyle said to Camden

Camden, Olivia and Emil watched Kyle walk down the corridor, before looking at each other in shock.

“So what are you goin’ to do?” Emil asked softly

“As much as I hate to admit it, Kyle has a point,” Olivia said reluctantly

“You can’t leave Saffy like this,” Emil pointed out

Camden walked away from his friends, a strange look on his face.

“Where are you goin’?” Emil called

“You can’t leave me with pincushion!” Olivia protested

“I’m going to find Saffy. Even if it is just to say goodbye,” Camden said with a small smile
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit:
One last kiss, by Madina Lake

So Camden's being an ass, Oli's being protective, Emil's staying out of it, and Kyle is being human?

One chapter left!
And it's a shocker, I promise =]
Please leave comments? You won't have much more of a chance to!
