Status: Completed.

Dear Bekah

one: base camp

Dear Bekah,
I just arrived at base camp. It’s not really even a camp, just a few lousy tents splayed out across the barren ground. When I arrived, the generals were there to greet us. They separated us into groups, depending on our age and height. They said that this would keep us the safest while we were in our tents; I didn’t oblige. Just a few minutes ago, a general came in here and gave each of us a canteen of water. There is a small water fountain outside the tents, where I suppose they expect all forty-seven of us soldiers to refill our canteens. The beds are hard, nothing like the one we have back home. I already miss you, you know. I miss the soft skin of your cheeks as I brushed my hands against them. I miss your soft, silky, brown hair, and the way it feels to kiss your naturally pink lips. I already feel as if I made a mistake, coming here and leaving you after only three months of our blissful marriage. The general is telling us that we have to go eat dinner now. Until then…


Dear Aiden,
Please don’t think you let me down by leaving me. You know just as much as I do why you’re there, and that’s why you need to stay there. I miss you as well, I hope you know that. Work today was stressful, and knowing that you wouldn’t be there to give me a backrub when I came home made it even worse. I called up Sally; she said that we could hang out tomorrow if I wanted to. I think I might take her up on her offer. It’d be good to get out of the house for awhile, take my mind off of things, you know? I know I’ve said this many times before, but I love you, and I really mean it. Don’t worry about writing back so quickly, I know you have work to do.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, this is how long/short the chapters are going to be. I'm guessing you don't get much time to write letters when you're on duty. Besides, I think I work better this way, at least for this story.
Happy 2010, one year away from the new decade :D
I have this whole story written already, so now it's just a matter of when I can get on my laptop and post it. Expect a new chapter in a few days (:
And Bekah? I love you.