Status: Completed.

Dear Bekah

two: dinner

Dear Bekah,
Dinner the other night was nothing like I expected. The mashed potatoes were cold and had lumps in them, the green beans were unflavored and they wouldn’t let us have salt, and the roast beef was hard and still had bits of fat on it. I can’t complain, though, because bad food is better than no food. I miss your cooking, babe. Your mashed potatoes never have lumps in them and you always let me have as much salt as I want. I still remember the first time you cooked for me. You were so nervous, wanting to please me, that your burnt the garlic bread and overcooked the spaghetti. I’ll never forget the look on your face; you were so embarrassed. I held you and kissed your forehead, and told you that everything was alright. Then we went out for Chinese and I had the best egg rolls I’d ever had. We have to fight tomorrow, general’s orders. I love you, Bekah. Never forget what I told you on our wedding day.


Dear Aiden,
That was some pretty good Chinese, wasn’t it? I remember that night, only because it was when I first realized how comfortable I was around you. I didn’t have to try to be myself, because with you it just came naturally. I must take this time to say how wonderful I find the stationary you’re writing on to be. The pink dolphins really give it a good touch. Waking up in the morning without you next to me is something I’m going to have to learn to get used to. It still feels weird not having you next to me when I’m eating breakfast, or heading off to work. I miss your phone calls telling me you love me, and the random bouquets of flowers you always sent to my office. I keep telling myself that your reasons for going into the military are real and true, but it’s still hard for me to accept that you’re not going to be here for a few months. Honestly, these letters are what keep me going each day. A smile comes across my face when I find a letter from you in the mail.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm not feeling well, so I just came on here to post this.
Thanks for reading (: