Status: Completed.

Dear Bekah

three: shock

Dear Bekah,
All my training couldn’t have made me any less shocked at what I witnessed today. The soldiers from the other side were charging at us, their guns cocked, ready to shoot. I saw my life flash by me in a mere second. I thought of you, and how much I love you. And then they shot. Soldiers fell, blood was shed, tears were cried, and screams were heard. I’ll never forget it. Sam, one of my tent-mates, hasn’t returned yet, and the general says that that probably means he didn’t make it. That fact is making it even harder to write. This stationary is the last thing his wife ever gave him, right before he got on the plane to come here. He told me that he promised to write her, and that if anything ever happened, he wanted me to write to her and tell her the bad news. He promised to do the same for me. Which means, after I get done writing this, I must write a letter to Carly, his wife, to tell her that her husband has died. With all my love…


Dear Aiden,
I can’t imagine what it would feel like to be in your situation, let alone in Carly’s. Losing you would be the worst thing to ever happen to me, and I can’t even fathom how I would feel if your letters stopped coming. I’m immensely glad that you survived that day, and I keep counting down the days until you get back, as stupid as that sounds. What you said in your previous letter…I’ll never forget what you told me on our wedding day. And I must say, ‘Ditto.’ When you get back, I’m going to make you your favorite meal: roasted turkey and corn-on-the-cob. And, of course, chocolate cake with vanilla icing for dessert. I can’t wait to see your beautiful face again.
♠ ♠ ♠
For Bekah.