Status: Completed.

Dear Bekah

four: a surprise

Dear Bekah,
Roasted turkey and corn-on-the-cob sounds amazing. The chocolate cake? Even more amazing. You? Even more amazing yet. I keep picturing your smiling face in my mind. I picture it all the time, even when I’m asleep. Your image fills my dreams and I can’t seem to get you out of my mind, no matter how hard I try. You’re stuck in there, Bekah, and I’m pretty sure you will be for awhile. Just like you said a few letters back about how my letters keep you going throughout the day, you keep me going throughout the day. Well, you and Jim. He’ll always be the reason why I’m here. Forever and ever…


Dear Aiden,
I found out I was pregnant today. I really wish you could have been here when I found out, and also when I told everyone. I’m going to the doctor soon; hopefully everything looks good. We need to think of baby names for when you come back. I’m not going to think negatively; you are coming back. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. I can’t get your smiling face out of my head, either. Sally offered to take me out again. I said no. I just want to relax tonight. Besides, she’ll probably come over anyway and force me to talk about the news. With love from me and the baby,
♠ ♠ ♠
I have Lady Antebellum stuck in my head.
Always for Bekah.