Status: Completed.

Dear Bekah

five: disbelief

Dear Bekah,
A baby. A baby. I can’t believe it. I remember the night we conceived it; it was two nights before I left. Heat, passion, love. We weren’t exactly trying for a baby since I was leaving in a few days. But you conceived. A baby. I really don’t know what to say right now. Or write, to be exact. The news--it’s all so sudden to me. A baby. Unbelievable. A precious little baby. Our baby. The general is calling me. Goodbye, my love.


Dear Aiden,
I know! It’s truly unbelievable, isn’t it? I was right, Sally did come over. And with her she brought Nancy, one of her friends, who has a five-month-old daughter. Sally was all, “Nancy knows what you’re going through.” And, I think she might. Her husband is in the military; he just got back a few weeks ago. I can only hope that you return safe and sound like George, her husband. Keep writing, please. I love getting letters from you. The phone just rang; it was Nancy. We’re going out to eat lunch. Think about baby names, alright?
♠ ♠ ♠
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