Status: Completed.

Dear Bekah

seven: premonitions

Dear Bekah,
Emma sounds fantastic. It’s casual, pretty, and altogether perfect. I never would have thought that picking baby names would be this easy. You always hear those stories about how couples fight over what to name the baby. I guess we’re not like that. I keep feeling this odd sensation, like maybe coming here was a bad idea. I don’t know; maybe it’s nothing. I mean, I did want to come here for my brother, and I still feel good about that. Hopefully it doesn’t mean anything. Love,


Dear Aiden,
I hope it doesn’t mean anything either. I don’t want to be scared for you. I’m glad you like the name Emma. I think it’s really pretty, too. How is it there? Is the food getting any better? What about your tent-mates; how are they? Sorry this letter is so short. I have to go meet Sally for dinner in a couple minutes. I love you.
♠ ♠ ♠
Even shorter yet.