Status: Completed.

Dear Bekah

eight: emotion

Dear Bekah,
Dave and Carl are still here, although Carl has come down with a bad cold. Hopefully he gets better soon. We can’t afford to lose another soldier; we’ve already lost thirteen of our forty-seven. The food is still as horrible as ever, but like I said before, at least there is food. I miss you. Life here isn't pretty: soldiers are getting hurt, doctors are rushing against time to save them. Each time one dies, we barely have time to commemorate them before another follows suit. I can't help thinking that I could be next, and that kills me, because if I left, then who would be there to take care of you? beautiful wife. I will be back soon, my love.


Dear Aiden,
I hadn’t allowed myself to cry yet, until I read your last letter. Just hearing you mention that you possibly may not be coming back literally tore me apart. I’ve tried to be strong throughout all of this. I tried not to think about the simple fact that you actually may not be coming back. And each time I’ve managed to stay strong. But this time--I wasn’t so lucky. It’s not your fault, and maybe it’s just the hormones from the pregnancy, but it’s getting harder day by day to stay strong. But I promised myself that I would--for you, for Jim, and for myself.
♠ ♠ ♠
A little bit longer.
(pun intended?)
Most of Aiden's letter is in the prologue.