Status: Completed.

Dear Bekah

nine: love

Dear Bekah,
Please don’t worry about me. I’m doing just fine here. I love you. Stay strong. For me, okay? We have another battle today. I have to get dressed in a few minutes, so this letter may be short. Just know that I love you, more than these letters, or words in general, could ever say. I married you because I knew you were the one for me. You make me smile so wide, until my cheeks start to hurt. I love you. I love, I love you, I love you.


Dear Aiden,
I hope the battle went okay. Your words in your last letter helped me get through the day. I can’t wait until I can hear your voice again, saying all these amazing things to me in person. Only one more month. I can’t get your smile out of my mind; it’s gorgeous. Nancy says that it’s normal to feel like this. She says she felt like this when George was gone. I love you, too.


He never wrote back.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope I didn't make anyone cry.
Epilogue is next.