Entirely Guilty by Design


It was Thursday, and I spent the day drawing. That night, I almost gave up. There was no way he was going to log on again, was there? Well, he did, kind of.
Jawsh: hi
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : Hey again!
Jawsh: what are you up to?
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : Uhm, just msn and creeping the net. The usual. XD What about you? Did you have fun at the studio or whatever?
Jawsh: lol sounds like some hardcore fun
Jawsh: i should have probably told you when i said hi, but this is matt...i hacked josh’s msn...don’t tell him

My heart started hammering against my ribs, and I tried to think of what to say.

|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : OH
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : Well then hey Matt! I won’t tell him XD And oh yes, so much fun. At least I get to listen to some Alibis! Ever hear of them?

That was so lame...

Jawsh: i heard they were pretty good
Jawsh: also that their guitarist is the best looking :P
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : Lol really?
Jawsh: yup wouldn’t you agree?
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : Hmm well I don’t know about that, they’re all pretty good looking to me.
Jawsh: you don’t agree?


|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : LOL Oh come on, that’s not a fair question!
Jawsh: lol i know i’m just joking
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : XD I know.
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : Why’d you hack Josh’s msn anyways?
Jawsh: i don’t know lol
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : ...Do you just hack each other’s msn’s all the time?
Jawsh: no
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : LOL Ok then. I’m just gonna pretend I understand XD
Jawsh: lol ok for a second i thought you were going to make me tell you
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping ||: So there IS a reason? Well whatever it’s not important. Do you actually have your own msn?

‘What kind of question was that?’ I mumbled to myself.

Jawsh: obviously
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping ||: Ok...
Jawsh: yeaa

I hit myself in the head and laughed nervously. I figured he probably thought I was a freak by now...

|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping ||: LOL Wow this is so awkward. Sorry if I freaked you out XD
Jawsh: lol you didn’t freak me out
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : That’s good?
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : Can I ask you something?
Jawsh: sure
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : Ok, well I was just wondering how you remembered who I was?
Jawsh: oh lol
Jawsh: i don’t know i guess you just stood out

‘I stood out?’

|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : LOL Is that a good or bad thing?
Jawsh: that depends :P
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : I don’t understand...How did I stand out? You’re the only one that remembered... :S I couldn’t have stood out that much.
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : You don’t need to answer...I was just curious...

After a couple minutes of him not answering, I started to panic. But then I remembered that he was on Josh’s MSN, so maybe Josh found out and was yelling at him?

|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : Matt? Did Josh kill you?
Jawsh: lol no josh is out somewhere

‘Ok, then why the hell weren’t you answering?’ Of course I wasn’t really going to ask that...

|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : Oh ok! Lol you had me worried there for a second XD
Jawsh: sorry :(


|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : S’ok...So where’d Josh go?
Jawsh: he went to go find martin i think, or maybe he stopped by at the studio? i have no idea where he went
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : Oh, isn’t it kinda late?
Jawsh: no? it’s not even 9 yet lol
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : Oops, right. You’re in BC lol
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : That was stupid.
Jawsh: no it wasn’t: P how late is it over there? do you even live in pei?
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : LOL it’s 12:41 and no I don’t, I live in New Brunswick.
Jawsh: oh cool
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : Yup ^^
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : Do you know what might be a good idea?
Jawsh: what?
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : I think we should keep in touch! You’re really nice!
Jawsh: lol thanks! i agree 100%
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : So are you just gonna keep hacking Josh’s msn? XD
Jawsh: :P maybe
Jawsh: just kidding i’m going to add you on msn ok?
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : Lol ok
Jawsh: be right back

10 minutes later, he still wasn’t back, and I was panicking. He probably didn’t even want to stay in touch...I mean seriously, why would he? As far as he knew, I was probably some fan girl who wanted to stalk him (Not that I did).

I gasped when the little pop-up thing that tells you you got an email announced that he had sent one. I clicked on the link and read the following words:
why haven’t you added me back?

Maybe he did want to keep in touch after all. I replied that I never got his add, and that I was going to add him now that I knew what his email was. I added him and smiled when he logged on.