Entirely Guilty by Design

Three and a Half

|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : Lol there you are
matt: hi :)
matt: is it late over there?
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : Not really, why?
matt: just wondering
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : Ok? Lol
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : So, are you going to tell me why you hacked Josh's msn, or is it a secret?
matt: are you going to let me not answer?
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : Hmm
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : Probably not. I can blackmail you.
matt: lol with what?
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : I can tell Josh you hacked his MSN :O
matt: that’s cold
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : v.v
matt: we can make a deal
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : Oh?
matt: if you tell me why it is that you have those lyrics as your msn name, than i might tell you why i hacked his msn

‘What the hell?’

|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : Because I like the song?
matt: i know girls put lyrics that represent what they're feeling :P

‘Ok so I don’t know if him knowing that is impressive or scary, but...’

|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : Why does it matter? It's just a song
matt: it’s just an msn
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : Fine. You tell me first though
matt: nope. the deal was that if you told me i would tell you
matt: if you want to know just tell me

‘Might as well just tell him...’

|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : Fine. Well I met this guy at some concert and yeah I've been thinking about him a lot. So that's why I have those lyrics in my msn name.
matt: what concert?
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : That wasn't part of the deal. I told you what I was supposed to, now it's your turn.
matt: another time
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : That's not really fair...
matt: life isn’t fair

‘Ouch, major mood swing...’

|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : ...Sorry

And when he didn’t answer for a couple minutes, I started worrying that I had upset him...

|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : Matt I'm sorry if I upset you! I didn't want to be annoying...
matt: ~hug~
matt: im sorry i half-snapped at you
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : Did I upset you?
matt: no!
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : Ok
matt: can you tell me what concert?
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : You haven't even told me anything yet
matt: just tell me? please?

‘Screw it.’

|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : Festival of Mayhem. Happy now?
matt: :) yes
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : Now are you gonna freak out again if I ask you to tell me?
matt: maybe
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : Aw :( Please tell me
matt: there was someone i needed to talk to
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : o.O
matt: lol what?
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : I don't understand you
matt: you're not going to ask me who i needed to talk to? wow, i’m surprised


|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : Now you're just asking for it
matt: maybe
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : What is it with you and the word maybe? XD
matt: lol it makes me seem mysterious
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : *Shakes head* Are you even going to answer if I ask? I mean, it's none of my business who it was that you needed to talk to.
matt: you won’t know until you ask
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : Fine, who did you need to talk to?
matt: just someone i know

‘Oh for fuck sakes.’

|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : Really? I never would have guessed.
matt: you're not pushing the matter?
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : No, because it's obviously not going to get me anywhere.
matt: how do you know?
|| Sky || It's no wonder I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping || : Because! You never give me a straight answer!
matt: so you're giving up?

I sighed and hit my head against my palm. ‘What’s he playing at? Does he even know how much this is tearing me up inside? Why can’t he answer any of my questions? Stupid boy with stupid brown eyes that I can’t get out of my stupid head.’

|| Sky || Just give me a moment to restart my heart || : Oh seriously, just tell me. I'll do anything
matt: you'll tell me why you need to restart your heart?

‘Oh my god, seriously? Does he notice everything?’

|| Sky || Just give me a moment to restart my heart || : Fine, yes, I'll tell you.
matt: you know the person
|| Sky || Just give me a moment to restart my heart || : Ok, so it's either Martin, Bert, or me. Right?
matt: maybe, now tell me why you need to restart your heart
|| Sky || Just give me a moment to restart my heart || : If I tell you will you tell me who in the three it was?
matt says: yeah i will
|| Sky || Just give me a moment to restart my heart || : It's because I'm talking to the guy I met at the concert. So you should tell me now.

The suspense was killing me...

matt says: i will if you tell me if i know this guy

‘Now he’s getting annoying.’

|| Sky || Just give me a moment to restart my heart || : Yes you know him

I just wanted to shut him up with all of his questions and no answers.

matt: i do? so it’s me?

When I realized what I had just done, I started panicking. I had totally got stuck in his trap, and now I had no choice but to continue telling him the truth.

|| Sky || Just give me a moment to restart my heart || : Just tell me.
matt says: lol is it me?
|| Sky || Just give me a moment to restart my heart || : Yes, it's you.
matt says: really?

‘Is he fucking stupid? Fuck this; he is so not worth the trouble anymore.’

|| Sky || Just give me a moment to restart my heart || : Just drop it. I'm going to bed, ttyl
matt : WAIT

Of course I waited...Stupid me.

|| Sky || Just give me a moment to restart my heart || : What?
matt says: don’t go?

That’s when I started to have second thoughts about leaving.

|| Sky || Just give me a moment to restart my heart || : I need to work tomorrow
matt says: are you really going to be able to sleep?

‘So that settles it, he’s evil.’

|| Sky || Just give me a moment to restart my heart || : Probably not...
matt says: then stay? at least until josh gets back
|| Sky || Just give me a moment to restart my heart || : When does he get back?
matt says: probably around midnight
|| Sky || Just give me a moment to restart my heart || : And what time is it now?
matt says: 10:40...
|| Sky || Just give me a moment to restart my heart || : That's kinda too late...But I'll stay for a little while
matt says: :D by the way, the person that i needed to talk to isn’t a guy

‘The person that he needed to talk to is a girl? Oh my god...But that means...’

|| Sky || Just give me a moment to restart my heart || : So it was me? What did you want to talk to me about?
matt says: how old are you?

Hearing that made my heart sink, because I figured that the only reason he asked me that was because he found out that I was still a kid. I should have known better, I mean I knew he was older...

|| Sky || Just give me a moment to restart my heart || : You wanted to talk to me about my AGE?
matt: just answer the question
|| Sky || Just give me a moment to restart my heart || : How old do you think I am?
matt: under 20 but over 15 for sure lol
|| Sky || Just give me a moment to restart my heart || : Lol I'd hope
matt: how old?
|| Sky || Just give me a moment to restart my heart || : You mean how young?
matt says: look, i don’t really care i just want to know

‘If I tell him how old I am, will he be disgusted? What am I supposed to do?’

|| Sky || Just give me a moment to restart my heart || : How old are YOU?
matt: over 20 :P
|| Sky || Just give me a moment to restart my heart || : I knew THAT.
matt: are you going to answer?
|| Sky || Just give me a moment to restart my heart || : Are you going to log off and never come on again when I do?
matt: of course not
|| Sky || Just give me a moment to restart my heart || : Promise?
matt: i promise

I should have known better than to ever believe any of his promises. Who was I to think that he meant them?