Entirely Guilty by Design


It was the day of the concert, and I was trying to forget it while getting ready for school, and of course my sister had to remind me.

‘We get to see them again tonight! Skye?! Why aren’t you wearing your Alibis shirt?’ When I didn’t answer, she gave me a hug. ‘Cheer up Sky…He’s just a stupid guy who is sadly a part of your favorite band, so just forget about him and remember that you’re going to see Alibis again tonight.’ I hugged her back and told her I’d do my best. Forget about him? Yeah, like that was possible.

At lunch, I found a sulking Raine. I sat beside her and sighed.

‘Ready for tonight?’ I asked her, half asking myself.

‘As ready as I’ll ever be, you?’

‘About the same…Whatever, right? If they want us to pretend, then we’ll pretend…If it makes him happy.’ I mumbled the last part while I looked down at my hands and gritted my teeth.

‘Happy? Are you losing it?’ I looked at her WTF expression and laughed.


‘Apparently so…When he sees you, he’ll realize how stupid he was and that you’re what makes him happy. Anyways…So, I’m going to your house after school?’ I smiled at my best friend, wishing that her words could become the truth.

The rest of the day flew by, and soon we were all waiting in line in front of the venue. My sister brought her best friend along too, so the four of us were trying to stay calm.

‘Okay Raine, we can do this.’ I kept saying that same line over and over again, trying to convince myself more than anything.

‘I know Skye, you keep telling me tha-‘ She cut herself off and grabbed my arm. ‘Oh my God, Skye…It’s…’ She gasped and stared like if there was a ghost behind me. I turned around and found the so called ghost. It was Josh. He was backing up towards us, giving directions to whomever was driving the van, and just as he came into view, he left. After making sure that he wasn’t going to pop up again anytime soon, Raine and I looked at each other.

‘You okay?’ I asked her, knowing that if I would have been in her shoes, I wouldn’t have been anything close to okay.

‘You know what? I am…I think I’m going to survive this.’

We waited for another half hour before the doors finally opened. They let us in. and we stood right in front of Matt's microphone, after we bought our merchandise that is. I figured I might as well take an extra step and hope for the best. The two first acts went and left, and once again, I was going to see my favorite band live.