A Story Of A Teenage Killer

Part Two: The Normal Student

Part Two: The Normal Student

Two people running down towards me, hard to make out their faces to see whom they were. Though not needed, it’s usually pretty easy to know who always meets me at the end of this period. A boy around the same size as me, his head shaved. The body semi-muscular, as he was on the football team, though he didn’t want to but his Father forces him during the season. He stops in front of me with his goofy grin on his face, a name-tag on his shirt for he was at a retirement home. The tag reading “Hello, My Name Is – Sup, I’m Doc.” Though his name is really Docold, we, including him, never really liked it so we started calling him Doc.

The other person, maybe a few inches shorter than me, her steps like dancing towards me. Her brown hair, in a pony tail but still able to make a few inches down her back. Her blue eyes appealing from her eye-liner, which is pretty much, all the make-up she is wearing. On her short-sleeved shirt, the right side of her chest another name-tag reading “Hello, My Name Is- Erika <3” As she stops in front of me, in an instance she grabs and holds onto my hand. As she is my girlfriend, how clingy she can sometimes be is quite bothersome.

Doc tosses an apple at me, which with only one hand; I had to catch with my right hand. “You had to run all around doing errands for people, you’re the one who needs to eat that.” He says with that same goofy smile on his face. I could never really figure out why he would smile like that, he just always would. I knew Erika didn’t like him though; she was always scared of him. From some of the stories that go around school about him, like how he would try to rape his girlfriends. Or even try and pressure them into having sex, where he would leave the next day. Since I had grown up with him, I decided not to believe the stories. Since I was closer to him, and I know how some preps like to lie about people. But I know something was fishy, for that he did have a new girlfriend every other week somehow.

“So, how did it go Zach-y Boo?” Erika said in one of her adorable voices. She would always add a “-y” to my name, and some word after it being as a pet name for me. She throws a smile at me while waiting for my reply. I look at her, which of course our eyes meet, so with my reply I throw a smile back while answering with “Oh, it went fine. They didn’t make me run too far this time.” Moving the apple up, and taking a small bite into it.
She watched and giggled. Erika was only one year younger than me, as well as a grade below. Though she has been placed in my class, for her academics are that of our grades. She was what some people call, a natural genius. I knew her for maybe, 4 years. Which the second year of us knowing each other, we decided we really liked each other and began going out. Regret of that none, but annoyance from her over-excitable personality. Though I can live with it, but it is much more of a bother when she really wants to talk and calls me during one of my “jobs.”

“Come on, we need to hurry before 4th period classes bell rings.” Doc states while turning to run towards the school. I look towards him, as he sets off. He is the fastest in the school, which is why I sometimes try to talk him into doing track, he runs leaving us in the dust literally. Soon Erika tries to run after, pulling me along by my arm.

As we get back into the school, Doc has already gotten to his class. But for us, left in the hallway as the bell decides to ring making us late. Since already late, I decide to walk Erika to her class to be as they say nice. The halls silent as we walk, hand entwined with each other. Which of course she is the first to speak, “So, um, Zach where were you when you were done with the errands?” She asks in her normal tone. I knew she would come to my spot, though to go along with it I act surprised, with a specific tone with my answer “What do you mean, where was I?” I look at her with a facial expression showing confusion.

She looks at me then to the in front to see how much farther we had to walk. “Well I came to where you work for 3rd period, and you weren’t there. And you know I don’t like the guy who owns the place. Well he made it seem you were with another girl, saying how you seemed like you were in such a hurry. Then he asked if I needed comforting since my boyfriend was cheater.” She said sadly, I knew where this was going. The man, who I am forced to do errands for, has been known for doing some bad stuff to girls. With the hair that covers my eyes, I use so she cannot see how angry my eyes are. With my free hand, I make a fist. Tightening to the point it feels like it would soon bleed from the palm. “After asking, he had pulled me close. Leading a hand up my skirt, and he tried to lift my shirt. I slapped him, and ran out. But I was scared, and I really needed you.” She finished saying to me.

From what I had heard he did to her, I was surely and passed pissed. Now thanks to what she had told me, and the man’s perverted stupidity. I now know who my next victim will be, either after school or tomorrow morning. I will head back there, and get my revenge. For what he did, there is no mercy, touching the one I love and telling a lie on me. His life, is no more, his breathe will be his last soon.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know you would go there, next time text me before hand. I’ll be sure to get him back for what he did, okay? And no, I was not cheating on you. I would, and could never. I just had to go see if a store had a game I had been wanting for a while.” I explained to her, hoping she would believe the “Game” excuse.

We finally arrived at her class, and she turns to me. Looking up into my eyes, like she is trying to see if my soul would tell her the truth of what had happened and compare it to my words. Her lips spread into a smile. “Okay, I believe you. I love you.” She says to me, finally with a happy voice. “Good, I love you too.” I answer with a smile towards her. We give each other a kiss on the lips, she then what seems like dancing but is walking into her class. I begin to walk towards my class, which by my luck is right above. Where the stair-well is right across from her classroom, so I won’t be as late as I figured I could be.

I quickly run up the stairs, and into the classroom for an art class.

One hour later-

The final bell rings, signifying that school is over. I walk outside the building, to see that it had started raining. Bringing to thought, cleaning up any mess I could have made after my last crime. Standing still and staring at the rain footsteps behind me begin to quicken and get louder. I get attacked by Erika behind me, as she had jumped onto my back and kisses my cheek. “Hey babe!” she yells in my ear.

“Hey.” I begin with a laugh out. “I can’t come over today, sorry though. Tomorrow though, today I have an errand my parents wanted me to do.” I finish. Hoping she will believe that lie, I switch her around to my front, and place her down. She smiles at me, her grin bigger than usual. “That’s fine. Then I’ll go, call me later, okay?” she answers, with a question of her own.

I nod my head, and kiss her good-bye. She begins to run off, as I watch from where I stand. I began to question where Doc was, but realized that he had a new girlfriend this week. So he was going home with her today. Fine with me, now I won’t have anything getting in my way.

I catch a bus, to take me back into the city. On the bus, sits a few students and even a few teachers who can’t or choose not to buy cars. None of them pay any attention to me, which is good. Then they won’t witness me getting off, to the spot which will be a crime scene soon.

About 6 minutes later, the bus arrives at my destination. I quickly get out, with a crowd of seven other people. The Pawned Horse, where the man works in front of me. I walk forward, and into the store. The man stands behind the counter, and he stares with confusion why I am there at this time. “Hello, Sammy Boy.” I say in a happy voice, as I remove a knife from my pocket.

To be Continued in Part 3.