A Story Of A Teenage Killer

Part Five: A ***er’s Safety

Part Five: A Murderer’s Safety

As quickly as I could, I dragged myself to the pond in the park. It was nightfall, harder to see. But luckily the park-lights were lighting up. With the lights help, I could see my reflection in the water. My long black hair, soaked from rain, blood, and sweat. The shirt I was wearing was slightly torn, and was soaked with water and blood. My face with blood slammed on the side, and my eyes just staring soullessly.

I tried to speak but “Erika.” Is all I could spit out, for the fact she was all that was on my mind. I needed her so badly; I needed her to calm me down. So I wouldn’t kill anymore, she held my conscious at the moment. All I could envision now was her calming smile, and her bodies’ warmth.

I’ve had this problem before, where I needed to kill. When it was almost like a sudden pulse for me to slaughter someone, or it would bug me until I did. But when she would speak to me, my impulses would go away. I was at peace with my own-self, as if she took away any bad feeling.

She was all I needed, and I loved her. Again I could see my reflection; I was disgusted by all the blood on me. I began to take off my shirt, and throw it far into the lake. Next I started to splash water all over my face, removing any blood stains on me. I felt cleaner already. I took out my knife and cleaned inside the pond. Removing any, and all blood found on it. If I was going to go to Erika’s I couldn’t let her see me like a murderer.

I began to wash my arms, my muscles were flexing. I guess my adrenaline was still pumping from when I attacked the two street thugs. I dumped my head into the water a few times, and stood up.

I walked back to the two bodies, and took both their guns. “Maybe I could use these one day?” I thought to myself. I placed them between my pants and my back, and began to walk away.
As I walked one man grunted. “You’re still alive?! What the hell?!” I yelled towards the grunting body. I couldn’t let him live, he would tell the police what I looked like when he was out of the hospital. Unless they were to assume more gang violence, and ignore like they usually do. Slamming my foot on his face, I could feel his very jaw shattering on my stomp. He had to be dead, if he wasn’t then he definitely was not human.

I began on my way to Erika’s, so I could get the pulse to kill off my shoulders. So I can now be at ease, with the one I love.