Unitl I Break

Chapter 14: SAKI

“No you’re the pussy,” Matt shouted

“There’s a difference between being a pussy and having a pussy Matt,” Candace retorted

“FRIEND!!” Frank shouted running over and tackling Seville, who sat up with a wet face from the licking.

“Im gonna get you Frank,” she threatened

“Oh yeah how, I’m always watching, always…”

“Whatever you say Mr. Mystery,” Ray added

“But are you watching in your sleep, huh Frank? Because that’s when I’ll getcha!” Seville continued, sending Frank to mock hide behind Ray, “Get her Fro get her, sik Fro, sik!” Frank commanded ray who merely answered him with a downcast look that said "get off of me. "

Claire was in hysterics, Gerard and Dustin had just finished their conversation with a distinct feeling that they had missed something, Candace stood next to Ray with an evil smirk on her face, while Matt stood several feet off from the group pouting… while Seville pushed Frank off of her and stood to join the group in conversation, Claire was assisted by the gentlemen like hand offered by Mr. Ray Toro. Whoa!

“Thanks Ray…” Claire said all shy like, batting her eyes in a girly way, “No problem, hey we were wondering when you guys would be done here?”

“just finished!,” Claire said, “ well then do you, do you….” Ray stuttered out.

With a chuckle Gerard saved him and crushed him, “what Rico Suave over here is attempting to get out is that we were heading out for food you wanna come?”

“You bet, I could eat a whole cow…”

“I bet you couldn’t eat half a cow if you tried…” Gerard said cockily eyeing Seville up and down.

“Dude you don’t wanna bet her, she might kick your ass last time I made a bet with her, well, let’s just say it ended badly …for me.” Dustin said warningly rubbing his hadn over his hair.

“Yeah you’ll never bet her again, well least not if you like your hair, will you Dustin?”

Candace shot out at him, “Oh man you guys should have seen what he looked like bald, and I mean bald, like razorblade bald!”

Even Matt, who had been silent all the while let out a slight chuckle at the idea of Dustin bald.
“What can I say? It was a bet fair and square.” Seville said resolutely.

Frank was impressed, “I’m glad we’re friends.”

“Me too,” said Ray who was now locked hand in hand with Claire. What an interesting development.

“Ville you so have to show us pictures later, but can we eat now? Cuz I’m freaking hungry like the wolf.”

“Should we get Gina and Jack?” Seville asked.

“Nah, already checked Moli the slave driver has them bound to the tent all ball and chain style, they said to save yourselves and avoid the tent at all costs.” Frank explained.

Seville was taken arm in arm b both Gee and Dustin as the group began to stroll off the venue grounds to a strip of restaurants a few streets away, Candace and Matt back to bickering; Claire and Ray still holding hands.

They strolled down the street trying to find something that would please veggies and meat eaters alike. In the end Mikey won pulling everyone into a small run of the mill sushi bar.

They were instantly greeted by overzealous servers, all of whom seemed to speak very little English, which was okay because Mikey had apparently spent enough time at sushi restaurants to get by. They were ushered in warmly by an older man in traditional Japanese sui chef wear, who seemed excited just to have warm bodies in the restaurant. They passed out menus and everyone quickly made up their minds.

“Can you say sushi?” Mikey said rubbing his hands together tucking a napkin into the top of his shirt.

“Jesus Mikey why don’t you just invest in a bib?” Frank shot out, causing yet again, uproar
Mikey didn’t quit agree and chucked some chop sticks at Frank

“HECK YES I’m getting the Kung pow chicken!” Gerard shouted.

“Um can you say get lo mien?” Matt said sending Candace, Seville, and Claire into a chorus of, “GET LOW, GET LOW, GET LOW, FROM THE WINDOOOOWWW TO THE WALL, TO THE WALL!”

Ray ordered for Claire while she was chanting a true gentleman…. Seville, Candace, and Dustin got some “Fried Lice” as the waiter would put it. Which they proceeded to flick into Ray’s hair while he oogled Claire like a fifth grader, it was adorable.

Then the restaurant guys offered them drinks and things got exciting.

“Saki!” the waiter would yell,

“Bomb!” the group would chant back then take a shot of the liquor. They did this several times….each time becoming a bit more inebriated than before. There conversation grew wilder

Gerard began, “You know I jusss dome get it I dome, why do ….” Slurring off into nothing but a confused face. Frank took over for him, “You know what I think, I think Gerard is wasted, totally wasted.”

“totally…” Candace slurred finishing with a belch.

But Frank wasn’t finished, “I’m not done yet…I also think that I …I … I like Gina. I do that’s it I do I think I like her, no love her. Yep that’s it, she makes me feel all woozy…”

Ray the only remotely sober person, “no Frankie boy I think that’s the saki…” he said patting Frank on the back and paying the bill in an attempt to usher the group back to the concert venue.

Claire and Candace strolled out stumbled out of the restaurant still chanting “Saki! BOMB! SAKI! BOMB!” Seville had attempted to join them but had mysteriously fallen to the ground, “oops!” she said laughing belligerently; Gerard attempted to help her up but he was in no better condition as his attempt to carry Seville bridal style quickly ended before they made it out of the door with both of them on the ground, “you dropped me!” Seville shouted while laughing, at Gee who replied, “ no no no it’s a special way walking…”

“Yeah, its called crawling,” a semi sober Mikey said to Dustin as they assisted their two friends off the floor.

Mikey wrapped Gee’s arms over his shoulders while Dustin simply threw Seville over the side of his, he seemed to hold his liquor much better than the rest.

Once in the street Ray acted as the Shepard and herded them all down the sidewalk where they ran into none other but the Used boys. They were strolling casually from the confines of what appeared to be a strip bar, none them looking any more sober than the saki crew.

“SAKI!” Gerard shouted one last time, to which Bert replied, “Titties!” before tripping into the street.

“HAHAHA!” Claire and Candace laughed loudly leaning into each other.

“Aye!” Bert shouted as he pulled himself form the sidewalk had just collided into, his knees bleeding heavily; he didn’t seem to notice.


“It’s TRUE Its TRUE BERT IS A DUMBASS!!AHAHH” Claire commented

Ray merely sunk his face into his hand shaking it in a I-cant-believe this is happening –why-me manner.

“I may be a dumbass but you have a nice ass come ere sugga!” Bert said sauntering over to Claire, who turned at shook her bum at him.

Ray turned four shades of red and knocked Bert’s hand away as he went to grab a hold of Claire.
“chill out man,” Bert said, “You’re no fun Toro.”

“Yeah relax Fro…” Claire said standing on tip toe whispering into Ray’s ear. You could just tell he was melting , he smirked and replied, “Sorry its just, well come on guys we better head back…”

Bert ignored Ray, and must not have been too bothered because he then sauntered over to Gee, who was still relying upon Mikey for support, kissed him on the cheek and asked, “arrrrrr you drunk toooo?”

“SAkI!” Gee yelled again. While heir conversation continued to enfold Ray had managed to get Quinn, Branden, Jepha, Claire and Candace across the street leaving Dustin and Mikey to worry about Ville, Gee, and Bert.

Mikey nodded towards the concert compound, Dustin go the idea and began moving everyone along.

“Hey Jared look!” he said pointing at Seville’s butt which was still resting over Dustin’s shoulder.

Gee pulled away from Mikey, who quickly reached back out to support him, his head whipped around wildly to find where Bert was pointing and began laughing….
“Whadda we looking at Dusto?” Seville asked lazily from over his shoulder?

“Well right now their just pointing…”

“At what?”

“Your ass HAHHAHAHH!!!” Gee shouted

“Yeah I’d tap that!” Bert added nearly falling backwards

“DUSTINNNN!!” she shouted whinely hitting her fists into her back, but it seemed he and Mikey were too busy trying to stifle their giggles of agreement to actually respond to Seville’s cries.

“don’t worry sugar, you put the ass in fantastic!!” Gee said walking behind Dustin resting his hand on Seville’s shoulder and then, lifting her chin to his face.

“You’re a jerk Gerard!” she said and slugged him in the side in the arm.

“Damn you’re a mean one….” Gee replied,

“It’s okay Gee, if you’re not interested, I like ‘em with some fight” Bert said smacking Seville’s ass. Dustin shot Bert a look to kill even before Seville herself could respond, needless to say Bert backed away.

Gerard and Bert began trouncing together arms resting upon one another’s shoulders as they began to sing a ditty and headed back into the complex, Mikey following closely behind waiting to catch either one of them, Dustin carrying Seville who had fallen asleep on his shoulder and was drooling on his back, not exactly the best thank you.