Unitl I Break

Chapter 25:mental images

Banging his fists into the covers while he screamed in his pillow wasn’t going to get him anywhere. He was upset because here, he thought, he was finally doing a good job of controlling himself, of not turning into one of the bands with groupies that flock around. He had no choice he couldn’t remember last night...into the bathroom he went. Hand covering his eyes (though he could definitely see through his fingers) Gerard braced himself for what he might find in the bathroom

As Gerard gently pushed the door ajar steam rolled from the room shedding a wave of warmth upon him. Once a bit of the fog cleared Gerard was able to make out just enough of the figured standing on the opposite side of the blurred glass shower door to realize it was Seville and he let out a loud sigh of relief and a devilish smirk of enjoyment crept across his face as he sunk down against the door with his head resting against the it.

Gerard’s loud sigh made Seville jump, “HOLY FUCK!” she shouted. Her heart racing she peered out of the shower door.

“hey ville,” Gerard said lazily… laughing to himself at the start he had given her.

“Jesus Gerard you scarred the piss out of me!”

“Good thing your not wearing pants then…” he said with a smirk still directing his gaze away from the shower like a true gentleman. (Whatever that is)

Realizing that in fact she wasn’t wearing pants, or anything else for that matter she looked down with horror, then to Gerard, “shit! Don’t look Gerard! ….. and hand me a towel already!”
Gerard did as he was told and held a large towel open for her as she hesitantly stepped from the shower, “Swear you’re not looking Gerard! SWEAR!”

“I’m not looking Seville…”

“Gerard.” She said with annoyance

“All right All right! I’m really not looking!”

Taking the towel from his hands she wrapped it neatly around her body, her hair still dripping wet. “This is awkward…”

“for who?” Gerard asked raising his eyebrows mischievously.

Wanting to cry, Seville found her self laughing, slugged Gerard in the shoulder and pushed her way into his bedroom and began looking about for any of her clothes. Gerard followed her and began looking for his own pants. After rummaging through all the clothes that had laid strewn across the floor Seville started to feel the booze and the stress set in as she flopped on Gerard’s bed. “I feel dizzy.’

“Yeah my head is killing me too… did you find your clothes yet ville?”

“uh uh. Did you find my clothes yet Gee?” she said hazily.


“hey Gee?”


“Don’t take this the wrong way, okay? I mean I had a lot to drink last night, not that that is a reflection of anything that happened but, um…well…what the fuck happened last night?”

“Seville, I don’t honestly know.” He said sitting down beside her now fully dressed.

“well did we?” but he cut her off

“I’d like to think I’d have remembered that…”Gerard said making Seville blush madly.

“Well what do you remember?”

“I remember drinking with frank, then drinking with you, then Candace drinking me under the table I remember…” but he trailed off for a second almost letting slip tha the remembered doing a line of cocaine with those biker guys….that was something he would keep to himself. “then I remember getting into a cab and that’s pretty much it.”

“hmm …” she said thoughtfully her headache lightening but the intensity of the spinning in her mind increasing, “ I remember you and I making out on the sofa for a few minutes until I had to vomit….” She said lightly, “I hope I made it into a trash can or toilet or something.”

“so why were we naked, it’s not either one of us was…functioning.”

“oh fuck.” Seville said sitting straight up, head spinning.

“what? What is it?” Gerard asked curiously.

“That asshole, I’m going to slit his throat in his sleep….” Seville said happily.
“who ? what? Now I’m lost.”

“Don’t you see. Goddamn it gee! This was a set up. I’m going to rip off his testicles barbeque them and fed them to some starving dog with rabies.”

This mental image gave Gerard the heebies and a cold shiver ran down his spine.

But Seville kept going, “Well, I suppose if I want my clothes I’m going to have to go downstairs and get them….from Dustin, that ass.” Seville stood and dropped her towel leaving Gerard’s jaw on the floor as he gazed at her backside.

“SE SE SE SEVILLE! What the HELL ARE YOU DOING?!” Gerard stuttered.

“Dustin thinks hes had his revenge…but I still know one thing that will get him pissed.”


“I really hope you’re parents aren’t up yet…”and she strode out the room and down the stairwell with a jaunty saunter. Gerard sat for a moment, this girl was weird, he thought to himself, then realized that he didn’t want anyone else to see her and ran after her with a towel, but from the loud scream and the cat calls…. Gerard feared it was too late.