Unitl I Break

Chapter 37: Luncheon


“emuh meah mray?” she said as she chomped down on a sandwich.
Ray laughed lightly, “you’re bizarre”
She shrugged her shoulders and finished her sandwich. “so you guys got resigned then eh?”
“yeah.. pretty exciting right?” Ray said nervously, “Europe right away, like in two weeks….”
Instantly her expression sunk, “oh, well…”
“but that’s what I wanted to talk to you about Claire.”
“well part of what I wanted to talked to you about least ways,” Ray went rummaging about his bag and pulled out some paperwork, “we want you to do the show, frank’s asking Gina and Jack too.”
“Oh course I will!” she said a smile returning to her face, “damn you scared me! I thought I was gonna be left here all alone while you got to see the world…again. Man I would have kicked your ass so bad.”
“I would have missed you.”
“I love you fro, you know that.” She said kissing him softly.
“Wait,” he said reluctantly pulling from her soft tender lips as her hair fell seductively over her eyes.
“I just wanted to tell you that it’d mean a lot to me if came, not only as a tour hand but as, “ray reached into his pocket, the box in his hand.
“Well duh, Toro of course ill still be your gf, I don’t think the date line changes that…unless you don’t…” she said fearfully
“No I don’t want you to go come as my girlfriend,” Ray removed his hand while Claire held her breath, “I’d prefer if you came as something….” He opened the box to reveal the ring, “…more. Claire, I know we haven’t been together for too long, but I also know that I can’t ever be without you again, Claire will you marry me?”
No words, just the violent collision of her lips on his and her hands shifted through his hair, her body having thrown them both to the ground.
He took it as a yes.