Unitl I Break

Chapter 42: Remember that one guy?

“Whoa, Whoa, Whoa… let me get this straight… you two are together?” Bob asked
Seville didn’t know how to reply but before she could even open her mouth Gerard had answered for her, “Fuck yeah! She’s fucking amazing!” Seville snuggled tighter into Gerard’s side.

“Dude I had now idea you knew each other.” Bob said surprised, “Ville why didn’t you tell me you knew these turds?”

Gerard looked shocked that she hadn’t told Bob about them.

“I did too BOB! Member?” she said in a happy way, “you remember, that guy I told you about? The one I met on the tour?”

“Oh OOOOOOHHHHHH YEAH now I remember!” Bob said a bit more excited. “Dude I’m glad you finally figured out that she liked you, I mean how dumb do you get!” and with that Bob wrapped his arm around Gerard and gave him the best nouggie Seville had ever seen, Gerard yelling, “WAS I THE ONLY ONE WO DID REALIZE IT!” while being attacked.

Meanwhile, Seville wandered her way over to Claire while all the boys reminisced.

“DAMN!” Seville shouted grabbing Claire’s hand. “GEEZ Ray you couldn’t get her a bigger ring!?!?” the thing was huge.

“I know its huge right?” Claire said admiring it, then added, “And completely unnecessary,” casting a look up at Ray.

He shrugged, “hey I’ll be right back,” he said giving her a quick hug then walked over to Gee and Bob.

“so umm … did you see where Gina got off to?” Claire said evilly as the two went to get drinks and say there hellos to the rest to the guests.

“I did…. Do you think?” Seville let it at that spurring a snide remark from Claire who caught on immediately, “do you honestly think they wouldn’t?” The two hurled into laughter simultaneously looking at each other and shouting, “NO!”

Everyone was having a great time, the whole night was great, it was the perfect way to send the guys off. Franks family was a great time, Willow was great to have around, she was loud and spontaneous and kept the most awkward fo conversations going-like when Claire asked Gina what it was like to have sex with a full house of people right in front of Frank’s Uncle.

Frank’s jaw had hit the ground, he didn’t know what to say….his uncle was a cool guy but, he was his uncle. Seville would swear forever on that Gina’s face turned the deepest shade of purple possible. Bt Willow was on the ball, “What? Don’t look so shocked, you know you’re proud of your nephew; Frank shake the man’s hand!” Frank’s uncle laughed his ass off, Frank shrugged and it quickly became a My chem favorite as far as stories go. Together, Seville, Gina, and Claire pulled willow aside and congratulated her, while razzing Gina, “Dear God we have GOT to keep you around!” Gina said thankfully.

“Well if you could control yourself we wouldn’t have this fucking problem…” Seville said playfully…”

“Oh trust me Ville, there was no fucking problem!”

Shortly thereafter they all said there goodbyes and headed home to catch about an hour of rest, collect their bags, and hop on a crowded plane to the U.K.