Unitl I Break

Chapter 43: Planes Trains and Automobiles

Planes were hell: at least for bands.

Getting in and out was always a nightmare; no matter how little they had or how popular they weren’t … it was a real pain in the ass.

Especially when the band didn’t like to fly…

Luckily they all fell asleep again quickly and Seville was left to finish a barrage of paperwork they would need as soon as they landed in Germany

The CD was doing great but no one expected them to land and be greeted by a flock of fans.

They stepped off the plane and Gerard was quickly surrounded by girls… all of whom were much taller than he was. But it was insanity as following in between Gerard and Frank; Seville was nearly trampled and found herself swinging to just stay alive. They could see the airport police running to help but it was too late. Ray had whisked Claire into his arms and was plowing through people, Frank and Gina were pretty much running full speed for customs, and Jack…. Well Jack was protecting Mikey (he’s so fragile!), leaving Bob to laugh lightly at the chaos and stroll leisurely off the plane

Amidst the German gibberish, Seville heard a slur of English thrown her way as some girl shoved her out of her way.

“Out of the bitch.” Was all she had heard before her temper took hold and put her on her feet again.

Just as Seville went to turn the girl around so she could hit her hard enough to her satisfaction, she felt to hands jab into her ribcage knocking her violently to the ground, leaving nothing but her face to break her fall. But the fall was hardly broken; her skin was though, in an assortment of scraps and cuts all down the left side of her face. Lip bleeding and cut, eyes blurred and head throbbing, Seville was able to lift herself up just enough to see…well almost see… the man who had shoved her be apprehended by two police officers. Suddenly, without warning she felt her limp body being lifted up and set on her feet by Bob.

“Ville…” Bob said trying to pull from her stupor and stabilize her on her feet, “Ville….Ville!”

“Huh? What?” Seville said focusing more on Bob regaining her composure in only the slightest. “I ... I thanks Bob.. I’m good.”

“You sure babe?”

“Huh?” she asked as the ringing subsided from her ears, “yeah, yeah I’m fine I’m fine lets just go already….” Seville said tugged her arm roughly from Bob; she didn’t need anyone’s help, and followed behind the police that had restrained the crowd and already pulled the others to safety.