Unitl I Break

Chapter 45:Porn Porn Porn

“Alright, you motherfuckers are awesome, now I wanna se you open a big fucking mosh pit! But listen, listen, see that fucker standing next you?.. If he falls YOU PICK HIM THE FUCK UP!” Gerard yelled into the crowd before segwaying into Our Lady of Sorrows.
Gerard was insane. Frank was all over the place. Bob was incredible…. Seville noticed Ray running back to him a few times during the show to tell him so. Clare and Gina were selling the shit of the merch and Jack had only had to place three guitar strings thus far. The venue had a house sound guy so she got to relax a little, finish the paperwork, and collect funds form the venue… she even had a medic look at her face…
She ended up have four stitches along her hairline and three in her lip the rest of her face just incredibly scratched up. Her side was just extremely bruised; you could see a perfect outline of the hands that had pushed…. “Whatever I would have killed the dude….” She thought to herself as the medic told her she was fine. She was really going to kill the German branch of Reprise… when she was establishing routing for the tour they not once mentioned the necessity of additional security or that it was going to be this insane… maybe they had had no idea it was coming, but she knew better.
Henrich, the Reprise contact, ha d a grudge against Seville, she had turned his advances down countless times…. Always leaving it as that he was too big an asshole for her. Probably not a good thing to say to a contact.
The boys finished the set, and two encores… they were having so much fun. But it was time to head to the next venue so they piled into the monster van and headed off the next venue…. A routine cycle of load-ins and load-outs pursued, choosing to save some cash they mostly all slept on each other in the van, piled atop one another, rotating driving shifts though, Claire and Gina were never allowed to drive, neither one of them had much a sense of direction.
One night while on their way to a venue in Greece….
Seville sat silently reading, leaned up against and wrapped in Gerard as she waited to switch shifts with Jack whom had decided to drive for s long as he could stay awake.
“She lightly caressed his engorged…” Seville read in a furious manner…. “He took his tongue and twisted it….” Seville sighed deeply causing Gerard to stir beneath her.
She didn’t notice though, at least not right away, she was way too engrossed in her book.
“Whatcha reading?” Gerard whispered into Seville’s ear making her jump.
“Shit Gerard, you scared the…ummm…”
“Shit outta you?” Gerard said helpfully.
“Shut up fucker I’ll kill you.” Seville added with a playful demeanor.
“Right…. So whatcha reading?”
“Oh this.. its nothing…” Seville said shutting he book quickly and sliding it into her bag.
“No seriously what were you reading that had you on edge.”
“Nothing, just a book.”
“Just PORN!”
“Nu uh.. it was .. um it was classical Russian literature.”
“Seville, not burst your bubble but I don’t think Nietzsche ever wrote ‘his hands explored her soft silken skin as her hands’ “
“GERARD!!” she said punching him in the side, Gerard dying of laughter. “That is soo not cool you doofus! I thought you were asleep!”
“How could I sleep with you reading shit like that… fuck that’s good porn.” Gerard said kissing her nose.
“It’s not porn, for the last time….”
“Yes it is…” Jack chimed in from the driver’s seat they sat wedged comfortably behind….. for this comment Seville kicked the seat hard in the back.
“Uncalled for….” Jack said monotonously, though thoroughly amused.
“Then what is it?”
“Well it’s actually the first draft of my friend’s novel, which is relatively graphic.” Seville said relaxed from her previous state.
“That’s cool. Who’s book?”
“Oh just a friend…”
“Seville do we have to go through this again?” Gerard asked throwing his head back.
“Fine… Goddamn, it’s Willow’s book okay?”
“WILLOW’s WRITNIG A PORNO!?!?” Mickey screamed from the back seat… apparently their arguing had woken him up, but Seville was surprised again and literally jumped.