Bye Bye Beautiful

You said you would call

I packed the last box in my room that morning. It was hard to do, and it was hard leaving him. He said he would call. But he isn't the talkive type. He doesn't like talking on phones, or webcams, he usually textes me, but he hasn't since yesterday..

The sweet sound of my music's silencing noise, as i had to bare though tge smell of warm apple juice and hot gasoline. It left a bad taste in my mouth. I woke up about an hour or so ago. I kept my phone next to be just in case, but like I said He usually doesn't call. He said that his mother takes up the phone 'cause he doesn't have his own.
"My mother takes up the phone all the time, so I can't call you as much as I would like too.." He never calls though. "His mother must talk alot then.." I kept telling my self that, but I know the turth, but no one wants to hear the turth.

The sun is in the middle of the sky know, and there is a new addition to the sick smells in this cramped car. FAT FILLED FOOD. As he munches on his food from hell, I was sitting eatting a non-fall-fill-food, an Apple. He my brother, eats five hamburgers from the food source from hell. Pig, is he not? But ThEY eat some as well. But as this trip goes on ThEY kept yelling at each other on which interesction they should turn in. SHE wants to ask theman on the side of the road with the knife behind his back, so I suggested we didn't.
"all not in Favor of stopping next to the creepy hispanic with a knife behind his back say ' I '"
We all said, I.

Fiffth hour in this hell hole of aruging parents and horrible smells. And he still hasn't called. he said he loved me, maybe he did. But he wasn't in love with me he just loved me... Or did he? I couldn't tell love isn't in my vocabulary, or in my life, any more. The gum in my mouth is starting to taste like sour strawberrys, SHE told me to spit it in a piece of paper and wait for the next rest stop. He said to through it out the window. Quote " The enviorment is messed up evnough, so why give a crap about the enviorment." Unquote. I quoted that, it was funny and made me laugh.
So i messed up the enviorment more that day by throughing my gum out the window..
I'm bad ass.