‹ Prequel: Bad Habit
Status: Active

Our Happily Ever After

Katryn (Katie) Roberts is a small town girl, goes to church every week, all around sweet heart, child-like mind set, always running around, loves rainbows and candy. Tall, lanky, dark, pixie cut, brown hair, hazel eyes. Nineteen years old.

Blake Smith, is a small town boy, goes to church every week and works in the sound booth. Cranky old man at best, loves chocolate and food, and sleep. Used to be a band geek. Glasses, achne, the whole sha-bang. Dark semi-cury brown hair. Pretty green eyes. Lanky, normal height.

When complete opposites meet, fall in love, and decide to get married, what kind of adventures awaits this couple?

Check out the characters page to see what they look like :]