Status: active

I Counted My Blessings, Now I'll Count This Curse

number six

12th of November 2009.
That’s today’s date.
A lot of time has passed.

And, I’m not in Germany anymore.
Hell, I’m not even in Europe anymore!
I’m in fucking America.

When I was still in Germany, I ran into another vampire.
We travelled together for a couple of days, and we talked a lot.
Her name was Kayla, and she had been a vampire since about 1890.
She drank human blood and didn’t seem to mind the fact that she had killed a lot of people. She found it was normal since she was a vampire. She was very surprised when I told her I lived on animal blood. But she told me it wasn’t unique.

She told me there was a family of vampires in Forks, America, consisting of 7 vampires. They only drank animal blood and they went to school amongst humans. They went by the name of Cullen.

I found it kinda odd that they were a family. It was very unusual for vampires to travel in groups, let alone live together as a family. But I was also very interested. What would it be like to live like “normal” people in a community? The idea of trying it thrilled me, so I went to America.

As time passed, I had changed. I tried to fit in as most as possible, so I always wore the latest fashion. Through the years, I had earned a lot of money by selling some old stuff I took from England when I had just become a vampire, so I could basically afford anything.

When I arrived in Seattle, I was wearing black skinny jeans, a Glamour Kills shirt, blue converse and sunglasses. I immediately noticed that last accessory wouldn’t be necessary. It was raining


I quickly went to get my suitcases. When I found all 3 of them, I made my way outside as quickly as possible and stopped the first taxi I saw. The driver got out and put my suitcases in the car as I got into the back seat. He was a little fat, the last button on his jacket looked like it was about to pop off, and his face was small and round. He was wearing glasses and under his nose sat a big mustache. He got into the driver’s seat and started the engine.

“Where to miss?” he asked.
“Forks, Washington please” I told him, putting on my best innocent face.
He turned around in his chair.
“That’s a 4 hour drive miss!” he stated, looking a bit annoyed.
“I’ll pay you extra” I said, smiling at him while pulling out my wallet and showing him the cash money inside.

His eyes widened slightly and he turned around again.
“That changes things” he muttered.

During the ride I listened to random songs on my iPod. My taste in music had also developed through the years, and I now mostly enjoyed pop/rock/electro. I’m a really big fan of Cobra Starship and Paramore, but I also like listening to classical music once in a while.

3 hours and 52 minutes later, I arrived in Forks.

What a shit ass little town

That was my first thought.
The dirver said he dropped me off at the centre of the town.
Was this the freaking centre?!

If it was the actual centre, it consisted of only a small supermarket, a libary and some sort of hikers equipment shop.

And, it was still raining.
During my years in Germany I had read about vampires and sunlight, but couldn’t they have picked a state in which it didn’t rain 24/7?
Oh well, that’s their problem.

I wasn’t affected by sunlight, which I found pretty odd since I was a vampire. I had yet to find a book which held the answer why I wasn’t affected, but that wasn’t on my to do list right now.

I needed to find this Cullen family.
♠ ♠ ♠
this chapter sucks because it's so fillerish.
i'm really sorry!
the next update will come tomorrow and it will be better and longer.
The Cullens will appear in the next chapter :D

thanks to all the people who commented <3